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美文阅读  2018-12-10 21:400

Qiuku keeps us warm in winter. CFP

Winter is coming, and temperatures are about to drop sharply in most cities in China. Many people have put on their heavy winter clothes including long underwear, known as qiuku in China, to resist the cold.

Long underwear has two parts: long legs and sleeves. Due to its pronunciation in Chinese, English-speaking people jokingly call it “chill cool”. When it gets colder in winter, people tend to wear thicker quiku, or “thermal underwear”.
长款内衣分为秋裤和秋衣两部分。说英语的人根据“秋裤”的中文发音,戏称其为“chill cool”(超级冷)。人们在冬天降温时会穿上厚实的秋裤,或者“保暖内衣”。

Keeping warm in the lower limbs can help heat the whole body, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory. “We often say, ‘A hundred diseases originate from the cold’,” Han Jingwen, a TCM doctor at Dongzhimen Hospital in Beijing, told China Daily. “Once the cold enters the body, it can cause illnesses that last a long time. Many of my patients have gotten arthritis because they didn’t keep warm in low-temperature environments.” He advised people to wear qiuku to maintain their body heat and drive the cold away.

But not everyone likes qiuku, especially fashionistas. On the talk show A Date With Luyu, Su Mang, the former chief editor of Harper’s Bazaar China magazine, once said she didn’t wear qiuku because she found them unstylish. She added that Western people don’t wear these clothes.

But in Western countries, some people do wear underclothes similar to qiuku – long johns. In the Tudor Dynasty of the 16th century, King Henry VIII liked to wear tight woolen breeches with pointed shoes. Since everyone liked to copy the king, he became a fashion icon.
但在西方国家,也有人会穿和秋裤类似的内衣 —— 衬裤。在16世纪的都铎王朝,英国国王亨利八世喜欢穿紧身羊毛马裤和尖头鞋。大家都喜欢效仿国王的穿搭,而亨利八世也成了时尚偶像。

In 1915, Canadian Frank Stanfield formally applied for a patent for long underwear. After that, long underwear became popular among ordinary people. But it was during World War II, when long underwear was given to US soldiers to keep them warm in the winter cold, that long underwear really came to the public’s attention.


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