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边读边学  2018-10-15 11:040

Henry Cavill sticks to his dream even after many failures. CFP

A decade ago, Henry Cavill lost out on so many top roles that Empire magazine called him the unluckiest man in Hollywood.

The British actor has notably missed out on the chance to play James Bond in Casino Royale, Superman in Superman Returns, and the lead role of Edward Cullen, the young vampire in the Twilight movies.

People may feel sorry for Cavill, but he’s learned to deal with life’s disappointments. “The right word from the right place can often change a decision. I would only want a role if I were the right guy for the job,” he told US-based radio website The Playlist.
人们或许会为卡维尔感到遗憾,但他却学会了应对生活中的不如意。“正确处境中的正确话语往往会改变一个决策,我只想要演一个适合自己的角色,”他在接受美国电台网站The Playlist 采访时表示。

Luckily, in 2013, Cavill broke his streak of bad luck, and got the big role of Superman in Man of Steel, followed by Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League.

Despite his portrayal of Superman making the actor a household name in the US, it may be time to let go of his most famous role. Last month, The Hollywood Reporter wrote that the 35-year-old actor will no longer appear as Superman in future DC Comics movies, as his contract is due to end.

Now at a turning point in his career, Cavill tries to avoid typecasting - not being the good guy who saves the world in movies. In the latest Mission: Impossible movie, he plays a villain who sets a trap and wants to kill Ethan Hunt, the hero of the film. “I’m very impressed that he [Cavill] could do all the stunt work,” Tom Cruise, star and producer of Mission: Impossible – Fallout, told Business Insider. “He is a real movie star.”
如今处于职业生涯转折点的卡维尔尽量避免角色被定型 —— 在电影中不再饰演拯救世界的正派角色。在最新的“碟中谍”系列电影中,他饰演一名反派,设下陷阱企图谋害电影主角伊森·亨特。“他能亲自完成所有特技,这点令我刮目相看,”《碟中谍6:全面瓦解》影星、制片人汤姆·克鲁斯在接受《商业内幕》采访时表示。“他是位真正的电影明星。”

Growing up in a patriotic family, Cavill didn’t think he’d become an actor when he was young. “If I hadn’t been an actor, I would join the army to fulfill my patriotic pride,” Cavill told US-based website Business Insider. “I’ve got brothers in the forces. My father enlisted in the Navy as well. It was always a kind of thing of mine.”

It was until he participated in his high school play A Midsummer Night’s Dream – written by British playwright William Shakespeare – that he found his talent for performing.

And it seems that Cavill’s family played a big part in making the star who he is, too. As his parents often told him, “Do what you have to do. Do not seek to become what you think others want you to be.”


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