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边读边学  2018-08-26 16:430

What would an ideal friend be like? That is, she can always evoke the most beautiful and powerful part deep inside your heart. She can lead you to explore a bigger and more diverse world. Full of morale and strength, you can create infinite possibility in your life. She will correct your mistakes and fix your minds but never suppress or scorn your pursuit of a good life.


It's funny how day by day nothing changes , but when you look back , everything is different.



In the whole life, we are bound to meet many people who are far more excellent than us. If who you meet are always those even worse than you, then you have to reflect on the state of your life in order to find out whether it is in constant degradation. If you always meet those whom you want to catch up with when you move forward, then, congratulations, you are in constant progress. You might feel inferior, but this feeling will finally turn into your power.


From tomorrow, try to be a better person. Check your meals, sleep on time and take exercise regularly in order to keep healthy. Associate with someone you like, keep in touch with them actively, and exchange greetings with them every day before sleep. Enjoy your life moderately and work diligently. When you like something, buy it. But you have to know what you really want and what is just out of your desire. Live your life in your own way and never regret.


The greatest freedom that I have gained is the fact that I no longer have to worry about what happens tomorrow, because I'm happy with what I have done today.



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