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英语时事  2018-04-07 08:280

Young people scan a QR code to download files to learn about the CPC’s 19th National Congress in Changsha, Hunan province. HUNAN DAILY

Stickers have become an important part of today’s communication, as they’re funny and convenient to use. And now, they’re even being used to spread the rules of the Communist Party of China.

On Dec 3, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) published a set of 16 stickers themed on the eight-point austerity rules on its website, reported China Daily.

The special stickers were created to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the rules, which detail the dos and don’ts of being a Party official. The rules were adopted to improve the way officials work and to improve ties between the people and officials.

The 16 stickers include slogans taken from the rules. For example, one sticker reminds officials that playing golf is banned, while another reminds them that they are banned from going to private clubs, according to People’s Daily.

The stickers are intended to explain the rules to the public in a way that caters to popular taste, and to close the distance between the people and the authority, said the CCDI in a statement, according to Xinhua.

Indeed, recent years have seen the CPC make efforts to appeal to the younger generation. As BBC News noted on Dec 6, “The Party is turning to social media ... to reach a different audience, particularly younger people.”

The Communist Youth League of China and China Central Television have started posting videos on Bilibili, a video-sharing platform popular among many young Chinese people. For example, the Communist Youth League of China posted the single, This is Our Generation. In the video, young Chinese people use rap to tell the story of their generation.
共青团中央和中央电视台都开始在广受年轻人欢迎的视频分享平台 —— 哔哩哔哩网站上发布视频。例如,共青团中央在该网站上发布了单曲《我们这一代》。视频中,中国年轻人用说唱讲述他们那一代的故事。

And in October, a news app in Shandong province introduced a game called Journey to the East. It combines the report delivered by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, during the Party’s 19th National Congress, with achievements the country has made over the past five years.

In the game, achievements made in China are turned into interesting scenes, with each scene matched with a question to guide players to learn more about Xi’s report. Those who get the right answers can even win awards.

During the first two weeks of its release, it was played by over 6 million users, according to Zhang Xiaobo, chief designer of the game. And most of its users are Chinese people born after 1985.

“The game combined perfectly with a study of Xi’s report, which is quite acceptable for us young people,” Yuan Hong, a young man from Shandong province, told Global Times. “One can learn through playing games. It stimulates young people’s enthusiasm in studying [the report].”


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