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美文阅读  2017-06-10 12:200

Since the NBA Finals began on June 2, fans have been seeing something that has never happened in the history of the game. For the first time ever, the same two teams are facing off in three consecutive NBA Finals.

But if the biggest trilogy in the league’s history – which is seeing the Golden State Warriors play against the Cleveland Cavaliers – were a movie, who would be your choice for lead actor?
但如果NBA赛史上这一出最盛大的三部曲 ——金州勇士队对战克利夫兰骑士队 —— 是部电影,你会选择谁来领衔主演呢?

LeBron James may be a good starting point. The popular player created the biggest buzz (热点) weeks before the Finals started. He’s a sporting giant, and incredibly, he’s still at the peak of his powers at 32 years old.

“Yes, this is the best version of LeBron,” his former coach Mike Brown said.

And even better, with Kyrie Irving as his capable co-star, James probably has the best team he’s ever had around him.

So the Cavaliers must be favorites, right? Not really. They’re underdogs because James, the best player of his generation, is facing the most successful team of his generation.

In June 2015, in Act 1, the Warriors celebrated a 67-win season with a title over the wounded Cavaliers. In Act 2, the Cavaliers rose from an impossible 3-1 Finals hole to defeat the Warriors. It was the first championship for the title-starved Cavaliers in more than a half-decade.

The loss only makes the Warriors more hungry to win – they created history again by becoming the first team to ever go 12-0 on their way to the Finals. “It was taken,” Warriors forward Draymond Green said. “They took it. We want to take back the championship. That’s just the nature of a competitor. Take back what they took from us.”
这场失利令金州勇士队更加渴望获得胜利 —— 他们成为了首支以12胜0负的战绩挺进总决赛的队伍,再次创造了历史。“冠军被夺走了,”金州勇士队前锋德雷蒙德·格林说道。“他们夺走了它。我们想把冠军拿回来。这就是竞争对手的本能。把他们从我们这里夺走的东西拿回来。”

That story by itself is just perfect. But even the best movie franchises don’t keep the same cast. Just look at the Fast and Furious movies. As the popularity of a series grows, more and more stars want to be part of the action. It’s the same here. Kevin Durant and Mike Brown arrive as the new major figures in Act 3.

In 2012, at the age of 23, Durant battled James and lost in his first and only NBA Finals. In the five years following, Durant ran into a wall of continual roadblock on his way back to the Finals. So he famously joined the Warriors in July 2016. As the series begins, there’s no shortage of Durant drama.

But Mike Brown’s role is all the more interesting. Brown coached the Cavaliers twice, and now – in an unlikely twist of fate – he’s the Warriors’ acting head coach in the Finals. “It’s the circle of life,” Brown said.
但迈克· 布朗的角色则更加有趣。布朗曾两次执教克利夫兰骑士队,而现在 —— 在不大可能的命运转折之下 —— 他成为了金州勇士队总决赛中的代理主教练。“这是生活的轮回,”布朗说道。

So it seems that a perfect script is ready to make history. “This is something that will be talked about long after us,” Green said. “So just to be a part of this is amazing. Be careful – right now, you’re witnessing greatness.”
所以,这个完美的剧本似乎已准备好要创造历史。“这是一件我们的子孙后代都将谈论的事情,”格林说道。“所以参与其中真的太棒了。注意了 —— 现在,你正见证着伟大的时刻。”


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