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边读边学  2017-06-02 13:320

When 19-year-old Ke Jie, the world’s top-ranked Go player, confirmed via his micro blog account that he would take on the artificial intelligence (AI) program AlphaGo, one of the 4,600 comments below read: “Ke, you are facing mission impossible; we are proud of you!”

The game Go is considered one of the most complicated strategy games ever invented. According to the Los Angeles Times, “it was seen as one of the last board games a machine could win”.

Ke’s “mission” has gained the world’s attention. In the first two of three games on May 23 and May 25, AlphaGo defeated Ke. In the first game, it won by just half a point, the closest margin possible, but that’s just a characteristic of its playing style.

“The AI doesn’t appear to care about the margin of victory, instead choosing moves that it has determined are the most likely to lead to a win,” explained tech website The Verge.
“人工智能看起来并不在乎净胜有多少,而是选出它判定的最有可能获得胜利的下法。”科技网站The Verge解释道。

“I was shocked,” Ke said in a post-match news conference. “Many of [AlphaGo’s] moves would never happen in a human competition.”

This is not the first time that AlphaGo has surprised audiences. In March 2016, it scored a 4:1 victory against world champion Lee Se-dol of South Korea. And in January this year, it won 60 matches in a row against top human players from China, South Korea and Japan on several online Go platforms.

It is now further improved, driven by a new and more powerful system, according to Demis Hassabis, CEO and founder of DeepMind, the Google-owned company that developed AlphaGo. Now, It can learn the game almost entirely from playing against itself, depending less on data from humans.

“Last year, it was still quite human-like when it played,” said Ke. “But this year, it became like a god of Go.”

AlphaGo’s success comes at a time when researchers are exploring the potential of AI to do everything from driving cars to creating legal documents, according to The New York Times. It’s a trend that has caused some of the world’s top thinkers to warn that AI technology may lead to humans being replaced in the workplace. And in a 2014 interview with the BBC, UK scientist Stephen Hawking even warned that the “development of full artificial intelligence could mean the end of the human race”.

However, DeepMind dismissed such concerns, saying the main aim of the software is to one day address real problems, like reducing energy use and analyzing medical data. “This isn’t about man competing with machines, but rather using them as tools to explore and discover new knowledge together,” Hassabis told The Guardian before the match. “Ultimately, it doesn’t matter whether AlphaGo wins or loses … either way, humanity wins.”


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