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美文阅读  2017-02-17 10:220

Making a speech at the United Nations in front of 500 people from around the world isn’t an easy task. And doing it in a foreign language is even harder. But Wang Yuan, 16, a member of Chinese boy band TFBoys, was up for the challenge.

The speech was on Jan 31. While most Chinese teenagers were still enjoying the rest of their holidays, Wang had already spent days writing the speech and polishing (润色) it with the help of professionals (专业人士). He used all the free time he had – in his bedroom, in cars and on flights – trying to remember it and read it with more confidence.
演讲的时间为1月31日。当大部分中国青少年还在放假,王源却已经在专业人士的帮助下,花了几天时间来撰写演讲稿并进行润色。他用上了所有的空余时间 —— 房间里、汽车上、飞机上 —— 他都在记演讲内容,练习更加自信地把它朗读出来。

The event Wang took part in was the Sixth United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum (论坛). It aimed to “eradicate (消除) poverty and promote prosperity (促进繁荣) across the world,” giving speakers such as Wang the chance to work with policy-makers directly.

The subject of Wang’s speech was quality education. It’s a topic that few of his peers (同龄人) in China can talk about comfortably even in Chinese, not to mention English. In fact, it’s allowed in the forum to make a speech in Chinese. But Wang chose English anyway.

“I made the choice because most people in the room are more familiar with English,” he said. “I was also worried interpreters (口译员) wouldn’t translate my words as quickly and precisely (准确地).”

Although the speech wasn’t perfect, it was good enough for a 16-year-old. But for Wang, it was not a sense of relief (如释重负) that he felt after the nervous three minutes. Instead, he went through the entire speech in his mind to recall whether he had made a mistake or where he could have done better. “Only by then, I had the feeling of ‘mission (任务) complete’,”he said.

Speaking at the UN wasn’t easy, but Wang said it was worth it considering what he’d learned from the experience. There may be little he can do personally, but the message he’s sending to his fans does a lot more – his post on Sina Weibo about the speech was shared more than 10 million times.
在联合国发言并不容易,但王源表示,就他在这次经历中学到的而言,这一切十分值得。他个人能做的或许不多,但他向粉丝们传递的信息却大有作用 —— 关于这场演讲他发送的新浪微博被转发超过1千万次。

The experience also changed the singer’s opinion on English learning.“After the speech, I started to pay more attention to my pronunciation and oral expression (口头表达),” he said. “Just burying myself in paper exercises is far from enough.”


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