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边读边学  2017-02-03 00:560

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 20

Like everything else in your life, you’re not reckless with your finances. The best time to invest and boost your earnings is in late January, and early February, the 9 th to 11th, is especially auspicious. Around the July 23, and August 7, 10, and 21 is likely to see you making money hand over fist.

Aquarius Jan 27 - Feb 19
水瓶座 1月27日-2月19日

You may decide to quit your career in the near future. A smart move, as you have something better up your sleeve that offers bigger rewards, and less effort. You might become quite an entrepreneur this year. Extend into unconventional areas, there is a pot of gold to be found. The time to market yourself is in early October, for you will reap untold benefits.

Pisces Feb 20 - March 20
双鱼座 2月20日-3月20日

You have a reputation for not being economically sound. On occasions, you need to protect your assets and pay attention to losses, between March 30 and April 7-9. After that, there should be an abundance of finances, a harvest, without you having to invest a penny. The period around the June 3, and early October is auspicious for property interests.

Aries March 21 - April 20
白羊座 3月21日-4月20日

Six-figure incomes aren’t a thing of the past where you are concerned. There is no doubt, you will increase your net worth, even if you have less purchasing power as this year commences. Career and cash matters are particularly well starred on May 9 and 10.

Taurus April 21 - May 21

There is no disputing you are an excellent earner. This year is more predictable, even if you’ve had your back against the wall and suffered more losses than most. A new and interesting business venture is indicated around January 28, and by February 11. The truth of this statement is even more apparent on May 25 and June 3 -9 and positively affects your security.

Gemini May 22 - June 20
双子座 5月22日-6月20日

No worries. You will receive a double recompense, even if you cut your losses on January 12. In fact, whatever you forfeited or have deposited, this is the year to recoup the lot. The first 10 days in March have the potential to bring vast returns, for little investment. The period around July 9 or 10 could prove quite costly though. Later your fortunes improve dramatically.

Cancer June 21 - July 22
巨蟹座 6月20日-7月22日

The period between February 9 to 11, or February 14 indicates that deals already in the pipeline will receive the green light. The most lucrative time occurs in August, and when everything is negotiable. The moment is ripe to extend your business even further afield, particularly the following month, which yields greater results.

Leo July 23 - Aug 22
狮子座 7月23日-8月22日

Your job prospects are brighter than ever, as you’ll discover to your surprise on or around February 11. The trickiest time for matters related to your income and security is between April 7 to 14. But it’s going to turn around, so don’t feel anxious. Indeed, as June begins, you could gain a promotion.

Libra Sept 23 - Oct 23

A deal around April 26, and confirmed on May 10 also has the potential to set you up in your own business. More money, and a more luxurious life. It will probably be approximately six months later, that you are in the position to safeguard your future. November 3 or 4 is when the rewards exceed even your expectations.

Scorpio Oct 24 - Nov 22

A successful business trip or meeting should set your year up nicely. But don’t get too comfortable or complacent yet. You will achieve your financial goals. December is pivotal as far as your future security is concerned. Here again, you have the advantage.

Sagittarius Nov 23 - Dec 21

The best time to utilise your assets is around the end of June. As July begins, and your net worth or wealth increases. September is a golden time and happily, before the year ends.


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