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美文阅读  2016-12-29 09:430

‘Mistress killer’, ‘China’s top ladies’ detective’ or ‘Terminator of extramarital affairs’ are just some of the nicknames that Zhang Yufen has earned during the 15 years she has dedicated to helping cheated wives gather evidence on their husbands’affairs and helping them exact revenge on their mistresses.

During the late 90’s her husband, who worked in the district taxation bureau in the city of Xi’an, started having an affair and eventually told her that he was seeing someone else and didn’t want her anymore. He took their most valuable possessions, cleaned out their joint bank account and he was gone. The news was devastating and Zhang remembers curling up on the couch and crying for a week. But after the news finally sunk in, she decided that the only way to receive justice was to track down her husband and his mistress and gather evidence about their affair. Little did she know that she would spend the rest of her life doing the same thing for other cheated wives.

Zhang spent five long years tracking down her husband multiple times. In 2007, after gathering enough evidence about his infidelity, she was finally granted a divorce and became entitled to a payout from her former spouse. At that point, she had already made a name for herself as a detective helping other wives expose their cheating husbands and their mistresses.

She only charged clients for basic expenses and in turn helped them gather evidence about their affairs, and also exact revenge on the mistresses. This was during the “golden age of mistress beating” when police was reluctant to get involved in family business, and she and scorned wives could beat and shame exposed mistresses in public.

The first time she physically abused a mistress was when helping a client. “We beat the woman into the middle of the street, causing a traffic jam. There were lots of people standing there, watching us beat the woman,” she recently told Global Times. When police arrived, she went straight to them and told them that the victim had seduced another woman’s husband. “The police officer told me that he ‘didn’t see what’s happening.’ When I heard this, I knew it’s OK. So I kept beating the mistress”.

Despite being threatened with violence and arrest, Zhang Yufen doesn’t plan on stopping her mistress hunting activity anytime soon. She considers her organization one of the few tools available to Chinese wives looking for justice. To get compensation in a divorce, they need to present evidence of adultery, but no one is willing to help them do it. That’s where the “mistress killer”comes in.

相关热点: 英语翻译 外媒看中国


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