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英语时事  2016-11-03 13:050

Snoring, loud eaters and the 'Go Compare' song have been named among the nation's most annoying noises, a study has revealed.

It also emerged that silence really is golden for 84 per cent of Brits, who say they spend less than ten minutes a day enjoying real peace and quiet.

And on average Brits would pay over £310 for just ONE HOUR of silence, if they couldn't get it any other way.

Snoring was named the most annoying noise in the poll of 2,000 people, followed by loud chewing, a dog barking, fingers down a chalkboard and loud slurping from a tea or coffee cup.

Top 30 most annoying sounds最令人抓狂的30种声音
1. Snoring呼噜声
2. Loud chewing大声咀嚼的吧唧声
3. A dog barking狗叫
4. Fingers down a chalkboard手指划黑板的声音
5. Loud slurping from tea or coffee大声啜茶或咖啡
6. A car alarm汽车警报声
7. Noisy motorbikes吵人的摩托车
8. People talking loudly on their mobile phones大声打手机的人
9. A car running outside your house early in the morning汽车一大早从屋外驶过
10. A crying baby哭泣的婴儿
11. Road drills公路作业的电钻声
12. Constant text message/email alerts连续不断的短信或电子邮件通知音
13. Self-service checkouts saying "Unexpected item in the bagging area"自助结账机发出“装袋区出现意外物品”的提示音
14. Sniffing嗅闻声
15. Rustling of food wrappers during a film or TV show看电影或电视时食品包装袋的沙沙声
16. Dripping taps水管滴水声
17. A badly played violin演奏水平很差的小提琴声
18. A fork scratching on a plate叉子划过盘子的声音
19. Grinding teeth磨牙声
20. Bad singing难听的唱歌声
21. The "Go Compare" song“比较网”广告主题曲
22. Dentist drills牙医钻牙声
23. Coughing咳嗽声
24. Microphone feedback话筒回音
25. People kissing loudly大声接吻的人
26. The Crazy Frog Song《疯狂青蛙》这首歌
27. "Whistle-breathing"“口哨般的呼气声”
28. Vuvuzelas呜呜祖拉(南非的一种喇叭)
29. Justin Bieber's song "Baby"贾斯汀·比伯的《宝贝儿》
30. Tapping nails敲钉子声


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外媒:杨利伟外太空听到诡异敲击声 细思恐极
China's first astronaut says he heard mysterious knocks during his first flight in space - but no one has been able to explain the cause of them.中国第一名宇航员称其第一次宇宙飞行时听到神秘的敲击声,但没有人能解释原因。Astronaut Yang Liwei


I “Heard” the Love我听到了爱的声音         When I was growing up I do not recall hearing the words “I love you” from my father. When your father never says them to you when you are a child, it gets tougher and tougher for him to

