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双语新闻  2016-10-27 10:280

For English comic and broadcaster Charlie Brooker, Black Mirror (2011-) has been a *canvas on which to paint the vivid picture of his interpretation of modern technology and society.

Ever since the airing of the first episode of the thought-provoking, albeit *sporadic, television series almost five years ago, viewers continue to be intrigued by its *elaborately provocative and philosophical themes. While the first two series were aired on England’s Channel 4, the show’s rights were recently snatched up by US-based online streaming service Netflix, which premiered series three on Oct 21.
自从五年前这部发人深思,零星播出的电视剧推出第一集以来,观众们便被其辛辣和具有哲学性的主题所深深吸引。该剧的前两季于英国第四频道播出,而最近,美国视频流媒体服务提供商网飞公司获得了该剧的版权,第三季已于 10月21日首播。

A particular standout among the new episodes sees US actress Bryce Dallas Howard *portray a young woman yearning for approval in a world where everyone and everything is constantly rated. “[It] is about how people can rate each other instantly using their phones, and she has lost all sense of self in her bid to gain likes. We’re not so far away from it, are we?” Brooker told the BBC.

Beyond that, Shut Up and Dance tells the tale of 19-year-old Kenny (Alex Lawther), who retires to his bedroom for a little private time with his computer, only to discover that his solo endeavor has been secretly filmed. Kenny later finds himself blackmailed into performing a series of tasks in order to keep the video from being posted online.

While Men Against Fire stars English actor Malachi Kirby, its theme focusing on the application of technology in warfare and how it can distance us from the reality of killing other human beings.

But the idea that machines and technology are things to be feared, that they are *sapping away our humanity, is hardly new. We *sneer at those addicted to taking selfies, friends who constantly post photos of sandwiches they are about to consume on social media, or pedestrians who place more importance on what’s on the screen of their smartphone than on the car that’s about to hit them.

Every man-versus-machine cliche imaginable seems to have been used, and then re-used, in popular culture even since the days of silent movies, and yet Black Mirror manages to avoid the trap of obviousness or repetition, which is perhaps its biggest strength.

More importantly, the stories’ main focus isn’t technology, but rather its human subjects – all fully realized people who experience love, regret, longing, fear and hope as any human being would.
更重要的是,这些故事的主要焦点并非科技,而是剧中的人—— 和普通人一样,他们完全拥有自主意识,也经历过爱情、悔恨、渴望、恐惧和希望。

And if the time ever comes that technology and humanity *collide to the extent shown in Black Mirror, we’ve already been skillfully made aware of what to expect, thanks to the show’s multi-faceted characters.

A *premise behind the series’ name is that we would see no image if we looked into a black mirror, yet this concept doesn’t hold true when watching Brooker’s creation. In the least, we see people we know. And in some cases, we may even see our own reflection looking back at us.


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