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边读边学  2016-10-10 09:060
USA Graduate School

  My first impression of the United States was very nice. Three years ago, I arrived at Bradley International airport at around 1 o’clock in the morning after 30 hours on the flight. Although I was a bit disappointed by the small airport I was instantly attracted by the music of insects and the smell of the grass lawn when I arrived at my apartment. The next morning, the birds woke me up and I realized the city I am going to stay for another two or three years is not like New York City or Shang Hai. It is a quiet and beautiful town and my apartment was located in the forest. I felt like I was camping in the mountains. The first time I saw a taxi here was two months later. There are no buildings more than 4 floors and you can barely find one inch of naked ground. The weirdest thing was that people never take one or two hour breaks in the middle of the day. They kept working until they finished their work for the day. Even now, I still miss the time when I can take a nap before I go back to work in the afternoon. After living in Beijing for four years, everything here is so different. But it is different in a good way. At least I can focus on my study now without too much distraction.
  In the first month, I was taken care of by a visiting scholar, who was heading back to China soon. He taught me how to drive, cook, and took me around so that I was able to live independently when he left. I realized that it was a huge mistake that I didn’t take my father’s advice to learn some basic cooking. I can make food but it never tastes as good as it does at home. American food was not bad but that wasn’t something that I can live on. Happy times always went by fast. Two months later, my independent life in the United States started. The first thing I realized was that I needed a car badly. Storrs is so small that there is no necessity for public transportation to be well developed. It will take me three hours to walk to the lab in the morning. So when the visiting scholar left, I bought the car from him. That was an old Toyota Camry with fairly high mileage but that didn’t bother me. At least I have something that can take me to school and to grocery shopping. I did make some friends but it is a luxury here to expect other people to help you whenever you need. Everybody has their own difficulties to deal with.
  When I decided to come to the USA graduate school, I spent almost a year to prepare for the GRE and TOEFL exams and get the application process done. Then I came to the states and realized that their college students spent their time so much better than we did. They have three months for summer vacation so they work as volunteers in hospitals because they want to go to medical school later. They do part time jobs in pharmaceutical companies because they are interested in how things are working there. In other words, they are learning practically and they make their decisions based on what they saw and what they knew. We make decisions simply based on what we heard from other people, which may or may not be right.
  One interesting thing is that more and more students come to the USA for graduate school right after college. I was one of them but now I don’t think it was very smart to do so. Doing research in the United States is not just doing what the advisor told me to do. I need to have my own ideas, which are usually based on a good collection of background knowledge and research experience. I had a very hard time understanding the significance and research approaches at the beginning of my study. It took me even longer to make my own thoughts and put them into an experimental test. I was lucky that my advisor didn’t give me too much pressure but other professors might not be as nice. If he is not satisfied with your work, he has the full power to get you out of the lab because he is the one who pays you. American students usually work as a lab technician for a year so that they will have a taste of what graduate study feels like, then decide if this is what they want to do. So I strongly recommend students to work in a lab for at least a couple of months before they choose research as a career.
  It is still a bit early to decide whether I will go back to China or stay in the states after I get my PhD. There are so many things that one has to consider. Living in the United States is very comfortable. I can buy a big house with a beautiful garden and it should not be a difficult thing. The relationship in academia is quite simple. If you do good science, everyone respects you otherwise there is no way to establish your own position. I can travel around the country any time during the year. Transportation will never be a problem. But things are also different for foreigners. There are a lot of other things that we can’t enjoy in the USA. For example, I want to share the happiness with my family but my parents don’t want to come to the states. I want to hang out with my friends but I don’t have a lot of friends here. The American life style doesn’t fit me very well and it is not possible to really become a member of this society. It is quite true that the United States is heaven for kids, a battlefield for young adults and the tomb for old people. I was so sad to see an old gentleman going to the shopping mall by himself last Christmas. More importantly, I believe that science doesn’t belong to any country but a scientist should always remember his/her homeland. I might not be able to change anything all by myself but we can make a difference if everybody thinks this way.





She was used to having her orders instantly obeyed.她习惯了让人即刻服从她的命令。

Though he slept soundly,he awoke instantly.他虽然睡得很香,但是马上就醒了。




The lawn was crawling with ants.草坪上爬满了蚂蚁。

They are lying on a grassy lawn.他们躺在绿草如茵的草坪上。




The male bird is barely distinguishable from the female.雄鸟和雌鸟几乎无法辨别。

He took barely enough money to keep the children in bread.他赚很少的钱仅够孩子们勉强糊口。




To the east of our school,there's a naked hillside.我们学校东边有片光秃秃的山坡。

The children stripped off their clothes and swam naked in the river.孩子们脱得光溜溜的在河里游泳。


weirdest解释:怪诞的( weird的最高级 ); 神秘而可怕的; 超然的; 古怪的


Think of the weirdest, craziest shit you'd like to see chicks do. 想想这最怪异,最疯狂的屁事。你会喜欢看这些鸡巴表演的。

It's still the weirdest damn sound I ever heard out of a Jersey boy. 这是我所听过新泽西人最为怪异的音调了。




The nap of the coat has been worn off.外衣上的绒毛已经磨掉了。

Don't bother me while I am taking my nap.我小睡的时候不要打扰我。




Total concentration is required with no distractions.要全神贯注,不能有丝毫分神。

Their national distraction is going to the disco.他们的全民消遣就是去蹦迪。




I look upon this as an absolute necessity.我认为这是绝对必要的。

You must understand the necessity of education.你必须懂得教育的必要性。




He doesn't think there's any mileage in that type of advertising.他认为做那种广告毫无效益。

What mileage has your car done?你的汽车跑了多少英里?




He invited me to his suite. The luxury takes your breath away.他请我到他的套房里去,那豪华的气派真会令你吃惊。

The government has imposed strict reins on the import of luxury goods.政府对奢侈品的进口有严格的控制手段。




This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。

There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。




She has donated money to establish a pharmaceutical laboratory.她捐款成立了一个药剂实验室。

We are engaged in a legal tussle with a large pharmaceutical company.我们正同一家大制药公司闹法律纠纷。




When you are learning to ride a bicycle,you often fall off.初学骑自行车时,常会从车上掉下来。

Learning languages isn't just a matter of remembering words.学习语言不仅仅是记些单词的事。




He solved the problem very practically.他很实事求是地解决了这个问题。

She's practically always late for school.她上学几乎总是迟到。




They employed me as an advisor.他们聘请我当顾问。

The professor is engaged as a technical advisor.这位教授被聘请为技术顾问。




This trip will be only experimental.这次旅行只是试验性的。

The experimental farm is near the waterpower station.实验农场靠近水电站。




The technician is busy repairing the machine.技师正忙于修理那台机器。

A skilled technician takes years to train.一个熟练的技师需要数年时间才能培训出来。


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