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美文阅读  2016-09-27 09:020

Amusingly *dubbed the “High-Speed Rail Man”, or Gaotiexia (“高铁侠”), Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has been called the country’s top railway salesman, since he takes every opportunity to promote China’s bullet train in order to extend its use in as many countries as he can.

Not only a devoted salesman, Li is a successful one too– China has sealed the deal, or is currently in discussions, on the export of its high-speed railway technology and products with multiple countries, including Turkey, Indonesia, Russia, Brazil and Thailand.

In 2014, Turkey saw the completion of its first ever high-speed rail line, which is also China’s first major completed high-speed rail project in a foreign market. The line covers the 530-kilometer distance between Turkey’s largest city Istanbul and its capital Ankara. It takes just three and a half hours on a single trip at a speed of up to 250 km/h.

“Turkey lacks railway construction know-how, so many changes had to be made to the route design during the construction process,” Liu Zhiyi, China Railway Construction Corporation’s Turkey project manager, told People’s Daily back in 2014.

In the contest for foreign markets, Japan’s Shinkansen is China’s most powerful competitor. Last year, while China won a $5 billion (31.5 billion yuan) deal to export its high-speed rail to Indonesia, Japan later nailed a deal of a *whopping $15 billion to build a high-speed rail line between Mumbai and Ahmedabad in India.

Unique advantage

But we should be confident that China has its unique advantage. “Japan has more experience building high-speed railways, but we have built our 10,800 kilometers of high-speed railways over the last 12 years. Our high-speed rail is cheaper because of our large scale production and lower labor costs,” Sun Zhang, a railway expert at Tongji University in Shanghai, told the Financial Times in 2015.

Now, against the backdrop of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiatives, China is planning to export even more bullet trains and rail technology to countries along the routes of the Belt and Road.

In fact, the Indonesian program mentioned earlier is part of that plan. The construction started at the beginning of this year and is scheduled to be completed in 2019.

“China’s first high-speed rail project in Indonesia will *spur the interest of more countries that are keen to put their economic growth on a firmer footing through efficient transportation systems and regional connectivity,” Wang Mengshu, deputy chief engineer of China Railway Tunnel Group Ltd, told China Daily.


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人造鸡蛋将走向世界 口感与真鸡蛋无异
据英国媒体2月17日报道,美国公司Hampton Creek近日在得到亚洲首富李嘉诚的赞助后,打算将其人造鸡蛋推向全球。 这种由植物蛋白

