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Build up our mind

边读边学  2016-09-25 06:570

You've been working out regularly for quite a while, but you're nowhere near your fitness goals. So now it's time to bring in your ultimate weapon your mind.

Rather than thinking of fitness as something mysterious that you do with your body, take an analytical(分析的) , goal oriented approach to making physical improvements that stick. Try these tips for creating a smart fitness plan:

Define your goals. Whether it's to lose fat and gain muscle or to run a triathlon(三项全能) , it's vital to have a goal to work toward. Knowing where you're going makes it easier to take the right steps.

Get realistic. Training gains are met through consistent effort over a period of time. Don't expect dramatic, overnight results regardless of what exercise equipment informercials(商业信息片) claim. Reward yourself for all the little positive steps you take and for consistently striving forward.

Be yourself. Work toward a goal that you can achieve with your body. Don't try to change your basic shape or to go against your own unique physical capabilities. Take an objective look at yourself, then work toward enhancing what you've got rather than trying to attain someone else's body.

Do your research. If you are not making progress, ask a qualified personal trainer to analyze your routine and your goals. Read health and fitness magazines. There's tons of great fitness information out there tailor it to fit you.

Identify your weaknesses, then use your brain to outsmart(更聪明) them. Many people avoid their weak points or bad habits, hoping that they can ignore them into oblivion(遗忘,湮没) . Instead, take them up as clues to how you can improve. Keep a food and fitness journal for a month. Then analyze it for negative patterns. If you always overeat late at night, try going to a late night movie to get your mind off food. If you tend to fade out on your workouts on weekends, plan some fun exercise with friends to spice up your lagging routine.

Create a fitness network. Integrate the important people in your life into your fitness quest. Get your whole group involved in healthy activities and eating that way they won't be tempting you to fall off the fitness wagon(货车) . Instead, you'll all be leading one another toward healthier bodies and minds.




I have an analytical approach to every survey.对每项调查我都采用分析方法。

As a result,analytical data obtained by analysts were often in disagreement.结果各个分析家所得的分析数据常常不一致。


capabilities解释:n.能力( capability的名词复数 );可能;容量;[复数]潜在能力


He was somewhat pompous and had a high opinion of his own capabilities. 他有点自大,自视甚高。 来自辞典例句

Some programmers use tabs to break complex product capabilities into smaller chunks. 一些程序员认为,标签可以将复杂的功能分为每个窗格一组简单的功能。 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓




I used the scientific method to attain this end. 我用科学的方法来达到这一目的。

His painstaking to attain his goal in life is praiseworthy. 他为实现人生目标所下的苦功是值得称赞的。




He is qualified as a complete man of letters.他有资格当真正的文学家。

We must note that we still lack qualified specialists.我们必须看到我们还缺乏有资质的专家。


analyze解释:vt.分析,解析 (=analyse)


We should analyze the cause and effect of this event.我们应该分析这场事变的因果。

The teacher tried to analyze the cause of our failure.老师设法分析我们失败的原因。


tempting解释:a.诱人的, 吸引人的


It is tempting to idealize the past. 人都爱把过去的日子说得那么美好。

It was a tempting offer. 这是个诱人的提议。




We have to fork the hay into the wagon.我们得把干草用叉子挑进马车里去。

The muddy road bemired the wagon.马车陷入了泥泞的道路。


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