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Discover Your Passion and Purpose

边读边学  2016-09-18 08:010

Imagine that your feelings are a child within. If you ignore this child - by ignoring your feelings - this child feels abandoned. Our refusal to feel and take responsibility for our own pain is an inner abandonment and results in anxiety, depression, or inner emptiness.


Learning to manage the pain of loneliness is essential to discovering your passion and purpose. There is no way of managing loneliness without a deep and personal connection to a spiritual source of love and wisdom. We cannot manage loneliness from our mind alone.


It is our child within: our feeling self that has the blueprint for what has meaning for us, for our passion and purpose. Each of us comes to this planet with a deep purpose to express, and when we don't express this purpose, we end up feeling empty and depressed. Yet we cannot discover this purpose when we keep a lid on our feelings.


You will find deep meaning in your life when you decide to open to and learn from your feelings of loneliness rather than continue to shut them down. And you will open to these feelings only when you do not feel alone inside due to experiencing the love and wisdom of your spiritual Guidance. Opening to divine Love and opening to your feelings will bring you the fullness, joy, passion and purpose that are the yearnings of your soul.




All the machine parts on a blueprint must answer each other.设计图上所有的机器部件都应互相配合。

The documents contain a blueprint for a nuclear device.文件内附有一张核装置的设计蓝图。




When he was depressed,he felt utterly divorced from reality.他心情沮丧时就感到完全脱离了现实。

His mother was depressed by the sad news.这个坏消息使他的母亲意志消沉。


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