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边读边学  2016-09-12 17:100

It’s a *sweltering night during the middle of a summer heatwave in New York City. A power blackout leads to restless mobs violently *looting and burning stores among poor neighborhoods. Police cars *ascend and the relentless echo of gun-fire and screams *ricochet between the burning buildings.

At first glance, you may think that you’re reading about a scene from a new action movie. But these words describe one of the most catastrophic crimes in New York’s history – the blackout of 1977 – showcased in the opening moments of Netflix’s new music-driven drama The Get Down.

Directed by Australian icon Baz Luhrmann, known for his visual masterpieces like The Great Gatsby (2013) and Moulin Rouge (2001), The Get Down transports viewers to the birth of hip-hop, in front of the unlikely backdrop of the *disco era.
澳大利亚导演界的标杆人物巴兹•鲁赫曼出任《少年嘻哈梦》的导演,他曾执导《了不起的盖茨比》 (2013)、《红磨坊》 (2001) 等视觉大片。而这部剧会将带观众穿越回嘻哈音乐诞生伊始那个似乎是虚幻的迪斯科年代,会看到嘻哈音乐在迪斯科时代的诞生。

Despite television writers’ long love affairs with pop music, recent highly anticipated musical dramas have hit a *bum note.

HBO’S Vinyl (2016), a drama which tried to show viewers the inner workings of the recording industry in the era of David Bowie and Led Zeppelin, was cancelled after its first season, while Showtime’s Roadles (2016), which tells the tale of a fictional rock band, hangs in the balance after critics were hardly screaming for an *encore after the show’s debut.
HBO剧集《黑胶时代》(2016)将背景设在大卫•鲍威和“齐柏林飞船”乐队的时代,讲述了当时唱片业的幕后故事,但该片却在第一季结束后惨遭腰斩。而Showtime 出品的《乐队管家》(2016)则刻画了一个虚拟摇滚乐队的故事,但在首秀后,由于几乎没有剧评人叫好,目前该剧是否续订依然悬而未决。

However, The Get Down seems to be an exception, *bucking the trend by receiving glowing reviews from music-loving critics.

Compared with Vinyl and Roadies, The Get Down seems to be more successful in capturing the spirit and essence of the era’s musical revolution, showcasing a time when iconic songs of the era – Curtis Mayfield’s Superfly and Vicki Sue Robinson’s Turn the Beat Around – were unleashed upon the world.

The Get Down is also one of the rare musical dramas which feature a young cast of black and Latino heritages. And of course, each central character comes with a fascinating back-story of their own.

Mylene (Herizen Guardiola) is a church singer who dreams of becoming a disco diva. To make a strong personal statement, she chooses to *subvert her father’s authority by ripping off her robe and belting out disco music in church. “Taking off the robe was symbolic of what’s to come,” Guardiola told The New York Times. “Mylene is someone who felt different, and wanted to get out.”
迈琳 (赫尔岑•瓜迪奥拉饰)是一个梦想成为迪斯科天后的教堂歌手。为了充分展现自己,她选择颠覆父亲的权威,扯掉自己的长袍,在教堂里大放迪斯科。“扯掉教袍标志着接下来所发生的一切的开始,”瓜迪奥拉在接受《纽约时报》采访时表示。“迈琳感到了自己的与众不同,并希望将其释放出来。”

Zeke (Justice Smith), who is Mylene’s lover and a skilled writer, aspires to get his voice heard throughout the city. Then there’s the gifted *graffiti artist Dizzee (Jaden Smith), master DJ Shaolin Fantastic (Shameik Moore of Dope) and siblings and aspiring rappers, Ra-Ra (Skylan Brooks) and Boo Boo (Tremaine Brown Jr). Each character serves a role in the backstory of Hip-Hop’s conception.
迈琳的恋人齐克(贾斯汀•史密斯饰)是一个才华横溢的作家。他希望自己的声音传遍整座城市。此外,剧中还刻画了有天赋的涂鸦艺术家迪利(贾登•史密斯饰)、DJ大师Shaolin Fantastic(沙美克•摩尔饰)、有理想的饶舌歌手兄弟Ra-Ra (司盖兰•布鲁克斯饰)和Boo Boo(小特里美因•布朗饰)等角色。每个角色都在嘻哈逐渐成型的背景故事下各司其职。

“Essentially, it’s a timeless story of young kids without many resources who create something out of nothing,” San Juan, The Get Down’s costume designer told the Los Angeles Times.
“本质上,这是个永不过时的故事,讲述了一群一无所有的孩子们从无到有,创造传奇的经历。” 《少年嘻哈梦》的服装设计师桑•胡安向《洛杉矶时报》表示。


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