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China to ship out aid materials for climate change projects - China to ship out aid materials for cl

双语新闻  2023-04-13 11:000
(ECNS) -- China's aid materials for the three climate change projects in Kiribati, Botswana, and Costa Rica, as part of South-South cooperation, have finished production and will be shipped out soon, according to the Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment on Wednesday.The Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment held a shipment ceremony in Beijing on Tuesday.The 5,000 sets of household photovoltaic power generation systems and 300 tons of cement for building sea dikes provided to Kiribati will help the Kiribati people solve their electricity and seawater erosion problems.The multi-star integrated satellite data mobile receiving and processing application system (meteorological mobile station) provided to Botswana will support environmental monitoring, agricultural production, and prevention of extreme climate disasters.The six electric buses provided to Costa Rica will help the country's transportation industry to transform towards green and low-carbon operation.Over the years, China has provided support to developing countries in addressing climate change through various means such as cooperating to build low-carbon demonstration zones, providing material aid, and conducting capacity-building training, said an official from the ministry.As of now, China has signed 45 climate change cooperation agreements with 38 developing countries and has implemented more than 60 types of aid projects. It has also held more than 50 training courses on South-South cooperation in addressing climate change.44 countries interested in IMF's program for tackling climate change: IMF chiefChinese climate change envoy honored with Nobel sustainability special contribution award(ECNS) -- China's aid materials for the three climate change projects in Kiribati, Botswana, and Costa Rica, as part of South-South cooperation, have finished production and will be shipped out soon, according to the Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment on Wednesday.The Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment held a shipment ceremony in Beijing on Tuesday.The 5,000 sets of household photovoltaic power generation systems and 300 tons of cement for building sea dikes provided to Kiribati will help the Kiribati people solve their electricity and seawater erosion problems.The multi-star integrated satellite data mobile receiving and processing application system (meteorological mobile station) provided to Botswana will support environmental monitoring, agricultural production, and prevention of extreme climate disasters.The six electric buses provided to Costa Rica will help the country's transportation industry to transform towards green and low-carbon operation.Over the years, China has provided support to developing countries in addressing climate change through various means such as cooperating to build low-carbon demonstration zones, providing material aid, and conducting capacity-building training, said an official from the ministry.As of now, China has signed 45 climate change cooperation agreements with 38 developing countries and has implemented more than 60 types of aid projects. It has also held more than 50 training courses on South-South cooperation in addressing climate change.44 countries interested in IMF's program for tackling climate change: IMF chiefChinese climate change envoy honored with Nobel sustainability special contribution award


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