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美文阅读  2016-07-21 07:510

One of Los Angeles’ hottest new museums has one of its strangest exhibits. Atop its white shelves lies a peculiar *assortment of *baubles: There’s a wedding dress in a jar, a used toothpaste tube, the *dreadlocks someone cut off.

These are all *mementos of lost loves, and they’re on display at the Museum of Broken Relationships, the newly opened spin-off of a Croatian institution of the same name.

The museum is stocked with items donated by ordinary people, who share the stories of how each object came to symbolize a doomed relationship. Not all submissions are displayed, but when they are, the identities of the donors are kept secret.

There are lots of curiosities held within the museum’s four walls, but one of the most puzzling is not an item, but an idea. It’s the notion that love – that oh-so-exalted emotion that supposedly *defies time and space, transcending the physical – is, in fact, best captured in the items we keep.

Science has long tied love to physical phenomena. Nothing illustrates this better than our reactions to breakups. Researchers have found that heartache might actually produce, yes, real aches.

Traditional pain, like the sensation of a bee’s sting or a *stubbed toe, activates both the sensory parts of our brain and what’s called the “affective” areas, which govern our emotions. In the past, scientists thought that breakups activated the same “affective” reaction as physical pain, but not the same sensory reaction.

However, there’s increasing evidence that heartbreak also produces a sensory reaction. A study, documented in 2010 by the National Academy of Sciences in the US, exposed 40 participants to images of their exes and uncomfortably hot water. In both cases, brain scans revealed they felt physical pain. They were literally hurt, to some degree, by the memory of their ex.

But it’s one thing to talk about feeling love on a physical level, and another to talk about how objects can become the embodiment of that love. Countless songs, poems and novels tell us that love is about more than the clothes we wear and the stuff we buy. And yet, once a relationship is over, all that stuff that’s accumulated in our lives can start to feel like an overwhelming burden.

Techniques like the one championed by Japanese “tidying expert” Marie Kondo emphasize our spiritual relationships with objects. Kondo, in particular, asks her followers to respect their possessions, to the point of thanking them for their “service”.

Almost *ritualistically, excess items get *purged from our lives. With breakups, the stakes are heightened: Why simply throw something away, when you can burn, break and bash the items that remind you of a painful romance?

The Museum of Broken Relationships provides a *mellower, though no less *cathartic, way of disposing of these items. But the science behind the disposal is the same. Scientists believe that, by dumping our stuff, we’re attempting to regain control over our lives, *albeit in a symbolic way. A breakup can send us *reeling, and we find stability in objects – and our power over them.


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