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韩流天团Big Bang又来点燃舞台了

美文阅读  2016-07-14 07:590

It is one of the biggest boy bands in the world. Big Bang, as US’ Fuse TV channel put it, is the South Korean pop group with “arguably the most international recognition and awards”.
他们是全球最具影响力的男子组合之一。Big Bang“可能是国际认可度最高,获得国际奖项最多的韩流组合”,美国音乐电视台Fuse TV这样评价道。

Though the band only just wrapped up its world tour with a blowout concert in Seoul, the boys are back on the road this month. Starting on March 11, Big Bang will once again perform in China, for its 2016 Made [V.I.P] tour.
虽然Big Bang刚刚在首尔以一场火爆的演唱会结束了世界巡演,但本月他们即将强势回归。从3月11日开始,Big Bang再次来到中国举办2016 Made [V.I.P]巡回演唱会。

This latest concert series marks Big Bang’s 10th anniversary as a band, but that’s not the only incentive for fans to attend this time around. Rumor has it that some of the band’s members may have to enlist in military service this year, as required by South Korean law. Some fans fear that this means Big Bang is disbanding.
本次巡演是为了庆祝Big Bang组合成立10周年,但这并不是粉丝们观看巡演的唯一原因。有传闻说,按照韩国法律,部分成员将于今年开始服兵役。一些粉丝担心这意味着Big Bang可能面临解散。

Big Bang has built a large fanbase, arguably thanks to one thing: its members’ diverse personalities. Big Bang is made up of five artists: T.O.P., 28; G-Dragon, 27; Taeyang, 27; Daesung, 26 and Seungri, 25.
因为成员迥异的个性,Big Bang建立起了庞大的粉丝群。乐队由5名歌手组成:28岁的崔胜贤;27岁的权志龙;27岁的东永裴;26岁的姜大声和25岁的李胜贤。

Each member contributes his own musical specialty to the group. Seungri is enthusiastic about pop, while Daesung is good at soaring power ballads. Taeyang specializes in R&B, G-Dragon is known for his hardened, rock ’n’ roll voice, and T.O.P. is an established rapper. As US director Leroy Bennett told The Sydney Morning Herald, “They’re a group of five very talented individual artists who, when solo, are very strong, but as a group they are massive.”

During concerts, each member gets a solo moment to walk up to the front of the stage and showcase his musical talents. The boys also do their own choreography, and they show off their individual dancing skills on different parts of the stage.

“Big Bang is at equal strength in every position. It’s terrifying how good each member is,” US music critic Rembert Browne wrote on the website Grantland. “They have found a way to make it seem like you’re at Drake, Usher, Katy Perry and Taylor Swift concerts all together. It is quite a sight to see.”
“从各个角度看,Big Bang都是一个实力均衡的组合,更可怕的是他们每一个人都异常优秀,”美国音乐评论人伦伯特•布朗在新闻网站Grantland上写道。“他们总有办法让观众觉得听他们的演唱会就像听了一场德雷克、亚瑟小子、水果姐和霉霉合体表演。

This equal spread of talent is what makes Big Bang a K-pop trailblazer. Though the group is a product of South Korea’s star-making system, notorious for pretty faces and lip-synching, Big Bang’s members have broken the mold by developing their own musical styles and looks. This is rare in K-pop.
均衡的才艺让Big Bang成为了韩国流行音乐先锋。韩国造星体系以卖脸和假唱闻名,虽然他们也是这种体系的产物,但Big Bang成员通过塑造自己独特的音乐风格和造型,打破了这种旧模式。这在韩国流行乐坛十分罕见。

“Big Bang’s members consider themselves artists, not idols. They create their own songs and their own messages,” Jamaica dela Cruz, the host of SBS PopAsia, an Australian music show, noted. “That authenticity could definitely contribute to their global success.”
“Big Bang的成员们认为自己是艺人,而不是偶像。他们打造自己专属的歌曲和形象,”澳大利亚音乐节目《亚洲流行音乐》的主持人牙买加•德拉•克鲁兹说。“他们在全球范围内的成功离不开他们的真实表达。”


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