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美文阅读  2016-07-14 07:590

If the valiant do-gooder Superman were locked in battle with Batman, the emotionally tortured “Dark Knight”, who would win? This question is the simple premise of the new film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

It’s a safe bet to assume that such a movie will involve many adrenalin-pumping fight scenes. But Batman v Superman doesn’t aim to simply single out the strongest superhero. As its title suggests, the movie depicts the “dawn of justice”–or, in layman’s terms, the origins of the Justice League.

If you’re familiar with comic book franchises, you’ll know the Justice League is to DC Comics what the Avengers is to Marvel. They are teams composed of each comic book brand’s top superheroes. Marvel – DC’s longtime competitor in the comic book industry – was the first to bring its superhero team to the big screen. DC’s films, by contrast, have focused on specific characters, like director Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy.

Nolan’s films in particular garnered both critical and popular acclaim. Some critics felt that, in their wake, the Batman franchise was too sacrosanct to be re-launched. You can imagine how much pressure director Zack Snyder felt when Warner Bros then asked him to helm a series that would weave together the storylines of both Batman and Superman, a superhero equally beloved. Batman v Superman was Snyder’s first attempt to bring the DC Comics universe to the big screen, and over the next four years, more films will follow. They include Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman and ultimately a two-part Justice League film.

“You’re making a movie, but it’s actually connected to that guy’s movie and that guy’s movie,” Snyder said at the Batman v Superman press conference.

To make these interconnected films work, each character should be distinct and strong, because nobody wants their favorite superhero to be another superhero’s sidekick. The Batman v Superman movie has attracted its share of criticism for its segmented, slow-burning start, but it is reasonable to assume that Snyder is laying the groundwork for the larger series, at the expense of his own film’s coherence.

Despite Batman v Superman’s tepid reviews, it’s too soon to say the DC universe is not as good as Marvel’s. If anything, Batman v Superman has established itself as distinct from the buddy comedy shtick of The Avengers. Its dark imagery and morally ambiguous characters defy our preconceptions of what a superhero should be. Both Batman and Superman have their own idea of what justice means, which leads to their epic fight.

“They aren’t perfect paragons of moral virtue. They’re more like us, which is to say haunted and messy,” said Bill Hunt, Editor-in-Chief of The Digital Bits.
DVD信息资源网站The Digital Bits的主编比尔•亨特说:“他们不是完美的道德模范。而更像是和我们一样的普通人,会困惑,会纠结。”


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