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美文阅读  2016-07-14 07:580

Ariana Grande, the 22-year-old pop diva, never fails to surprise the music industry. Her third album Dangerous Woman, released on May 20, has created new hype for the much-buzzed-about artist.
22岁的流行歌姬爱莉安娜•格兰德总会给音乐界带来惊喜。5月20日其发布的第三张专辑《Dangerous Woman》(危险女人),再次为这位近来声名大噪的歌手带来了铺天盖地的宣传。

Soon after its release, the new album went straight to number one on the iTunes charts in 67 countries. Grande’s popularity has made her the only artist to have the lead singles from each of her first three albums debut in the top 10 of Billboard Hot 100. So why is Dangerous Woman so popular?
这张新专辑一经发布,立即登顶了67个国家的iTunes音乐榜。格兰德的火爆人气也让她成为了唯一一位三张出道专辑中的主打单曲均进入“公告牌百强单曲榜”前10名的歌手。那么,为什么《Dangerous Woman》如此风靡?

Grande’s albums are not simply a collection of songs, but a chronicle of her growth. Dangerous Woman symbolizes her maturity as an artist.
格兰德的专辑不仅仅是一系列歌曲的收录,也是其成长的记录。《Dangerous Woman》标志着她已成长为一名成熟的艺人。

This album is a breakthrough in her music career, as her most cohesive release to date. Compared to her last album My Everything, “which suffered for trying to be everything”, Dangerous Woman is “streamlined”, says Entertainment Weekly’s Nolan Feeney. With the help of “hitmakers such as Max Martin, she pulls off pop, R&B, and reggae– all without overextending herself or pandering to trends”, Feeney explains.
该专辑是她音乐生涯中的一次突破,也是迄今为止风格最统一的一张专辑。《娱乐周刊》诺兰•菲尼这样评价到:与“试图无所不包却无能为力”的上一张专辑《My Everything》(我的一切)相比,《Dangerous Woman》更加“凝练一体”。 “在一些金牌制作人比如马克斯•马丁的帮助下,她成功实现了流行、R&B以及雷鬼等多种音乐风格,而又没有过分夸大自我或迎合大众。” 菲尼解释说。

Grande also uses the album as an opportunity to explore her personal experiences, including how she feels about being in love. Dangerous Woman takes its name from the kind of woman Grande intends to be. “To me, a dangerous woman is someone who’s not afraid to take a stand, be herself and to be honest,” she told Billboard.
格兰德也把这张专辑当作是一次探索自己个人经历的机会,这其中包括她对恋爱的感受。而专辑名《Dangerous Woman》源于格兰德想要成为的那种女人。“对我来说,一个危险的女人是指一个敢于表态、敢于做自己、真诚自信的女人。”格兰德这样对《公告牌》音乐杂志说。

The lead single shares the same name as the album, and it echoes what Grande wants to express through the album. The song is about women’s empowerment and confidence. “It’s about letting someone into your life in an intimate or vulnerable way and not letting that take away your independence or your strength”, she said in a YouTube video. The song’s lyrics shine with the spirit of feminism.

Grande, disguised in a bunny-eared mask on her album cover, hopes to inspire her listeners with her music. “I want to be empowering my fans... I feel like my personal growth is reflected in the sound. I’m really proud of it,” she said to Billboard. 21st


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