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美文阅读  2016-07-14 07:580

You may think your personal computer is fast if it can boot itself up within a few seconds. But that is nothing compared to China’s new supercomputing system, Sunway TaihuLight.

The massive machine in Wuxi, Jiangsu province, is capable of performing quadrillions of calculations per second. With that processing capacity, it has grabbed the top spot in the rankings of the world’s 500 fastest scientific computers, compiled biannually by the TOP500 organization.

The former No 1 was China’s Tianhe-2, which now ranks second before the US’ Titan.

According to the Wall Street Journal, TaihuLight is offering more than twice the performance power of Tianhe-2, and it is roughly five times faster than Titan.

Unlike Tianhe-2, which used chips from Intel Corp., TaihuLight is built entirely with China-made chips.

“China has *bolstered its claim to leadership in the highest reaches of computing,” wrote Wall Street Journal reporters Don Clark and Eva Dou.

Just 15 years ago, China claimed zero of the world’s 500 fastest supercomputers. But now, it has more of the machines on the top 500 list than any other country, including the US.

CNTV attributes the rapid development of Chinese supercomputers to the “863 program”, a government project aimed at ending reliance on foreign technology. It has funded supercomputer projects including the Shuguang, the Tianhe and the Sunway series. TaihuLight alone has been supported by an almost 1.8 billion yuan investment from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Jiangsu provincial government and the Wuxi local government.

China has attached great importance to supercomputers, as they are thought to be integral for national security and scientific research. Supercomputers are around 200,000 times faster than a PC, so they are capable of processing high-stakes research, including information about cybersecurity and nuclear weaponry, reported The Verge. The TaihuLight, however, will be used for civilian work like manufacturing, life science and earth system modeling.
中国十分重视超级计算机,并将其视作国防安全以及科学研究的一部分。据美国科技媒体网站The Verge报道,超级计算机的速度是普通个人电脑的20万倍左右,因而能够处理高风险研究,包括有关网络安全和核武器的信息。但太湖之光计算机将会被投入民用工作,例如制造业、生命科学以及地球系统建模。


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