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美文阅读  2016-07-14 07:580

All it takes is one good song to bring an *obscure musician into the spotlight. But Chen Hongyu, a 27-year-old folk singer, seems to have no trouble gaining *adoration and support from music fans.

In July 2015, Chen was just starting to plan for his first album. One year later, he has won over 100,000 followers on Sina Weibo and is about to finish the “*Arduous Journey”, a concert tour he’s doing with Ma Yuyang, which makes its last stop in Beijing on July 8.

Last year, Chinese folk music experienced a *renaissance. Hits including Song Dongye’s Ms Dong (《董小姐》) and Ma Di’s South of Nanshan Mountain (《南山南》) swept social media. Their popularity was largely credited to their use in highly rated TV singing competitions.

Before these artists became household names, they experienced four to five years when they struggled to make a living with their beloved folk music.

Lu Zhongqiang, founder of the record company Thirteenth Month, *ascribes their slow *ascent to the poor promotion folk musicians receive. “Folk music lacks proper packaging and publicity,” Lu said in an interview with Jiemian.com.

But Chen seems to have escaped obscurity because he acts as more than just a folk musician. He’s also a talented promoter, who knows how to build buzz around the genre. He set up Zhongyueji, a program that not only creates compilation albums, but also serves as a community to connect folk singers and music lovers. It allows music fans to communicate, write their own reviews and participate in preparing and reporting concerts.

Chen’s public persona is *approachable, and he frequently interacts with fans. On June 14, he selected lyrics written by a 16-year-old high school student for one of his singles. The winning entry was part of a song-writing contest that received 1,183 contributions in half a month.

On Zhongyueji, Chen *deflates some of the hype surrounding musical idols, but *elevates the status of the zhong, or crowd. He attracts music lovers and gains profit and fame through the activities these fans participate in.

Chen has blazed a new trail for folk musicians, giving them a framework to promote themselves. At his core, he’s just a young man with business *acumen. But combine that quality with some *catchy folk tunes, and you’ve got a superstar in the making.


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