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美文阅读  2016-07-14 07:580

The death of Jin Bo, deputy editor-in-chief of the social networking site Tianya.cn, exposed the lack of emergency resources available in Beijing’s subway system, Beijing News reported.

Jin collapsed in the subway on his way home on June 29. Three female passengers conducted *cardiopulmonary *resuscitation, or CPR, and artificial *respiration for Jin. At the same time, subway employees made emergency calls and *dispersed the crowds.
6月29日,金波在下班回家途中在地铁站内晕倒。三位女性乘客为他实施了心肺复苏(CPR) 和人工呼吸。同时,地铁工作人员拨打了急救电话并疏散人群。

But the employees did not have access to an Automated External *Defibrillator (AED), an emergency medical device often kept in public areas in developed countries. An AED delivers an electric shock that can restart the heart. Despite about half an hour of emergency treatment, he was declared dead from a sudden heart attack after being sent by ambulance to a hospital one kilometer away.
然而,工作人员却没有提供自动体外除颤器 (AED)。这种急救设备在发达国家的公共场所中十分常见。除颤器能够传输电流,使心脏恢复跳动。尽管现场实施了半小时左右的急救,但被救护车送往一公里外的医院后,金波最终还是被宣告不治,死因是突发性心脏病。

“If there was an AED in the subway station, Jin’s life may have been saved,” said Jia Dacheng, an emergency room doctor at the Beijing Emergency Rescue Center.
“如果地铁站内有一台除颤器,金波或许还有救,” 北京急救中心急救专家贾大成说。

The first few minutes after a person’s heart stops beating are critical, he said.

According to Beijing News, AEDs are rarely seen in China. Beijing Capital Airport’s second terminal installed AED equipment in 2006, and that was the first public area in China to have an AED. Apart from the airport, only a few subway stations in Shanghai, plus some stadiums in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, have AEDs.

About 540,000 people in China suffer a cardiac arrest every year, and less than 1 percent of them are saved – one-third of the rate in the United States, where AEDs are more widely available, according to a report by the Xinhua News Agency. In major US cities, the rate is more than 3 percent.

Authorities in Beijing will build 50 new emergency rescue stations equipped with AEDs this year, in addition to the current 43, the Beijing Red Cross Society said in April.


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