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中美商务部长在华盛顿举行会谈 - Chinese, U.S. commerce ministers hold talks in Washington


1 dead, 3 hurt after shooting at funeral home in Washington, D.C. - 1 dead, 3 hurt after shooting at
One man died and three other people were hurt in a shooting at a funeral home in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday.Police said the gunfire erupted around 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time (1630 GMT) in northeast Washington shortly after a funeral ended for someone who w


Intelligence leak exposes U.S. spying on adversaries, allies: Washington Post - Intelligence leak ex
Over the weekend, as U.S. officials and their foreign allies scrambled to understand how dozens of classified intelligence documents had ended up on the internet, they were stunned, and occasionally infuriated, at the extraordinary range of detail the fil


Russian FM to meet Blinken if there is willingness from Washington: Russian UN envoy - Russian FM to
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is ready to meet U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken later this month when he travels to New York, if there is willingness from Washington, said Russian envoy here on Monday.Lavrov will be in New York to preside o


Washington urged to adopt responsible fiscal policy - Washington urged to adopt responsible fiscal p
The U.S. should adopt responsible macroeconomic policies and avoid radical policy shifts that may cause serious spillover effects similar to the 2008 global financial crisis, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said, as the failure of Silicon Valley Ba


外国学者:美国恶意炒作“间谍气球” 的背后动机很丑陋Washington's overblown balloon story has lost steam


北京拒绝华盛顿的武器要求 - Beijing rejects Washington arms claims


华盛顿对香港重大审判的干预遭到猛烈抨击 - Washington's interference in major HK trial slammed


北京表示,华盛顿的举动加剧了紧张局势 - Washington moves stoke tensions, Beijing says


华盛顿报告称,中国在关键创新指标上超过美国 - China surpasses U.S. in key innovation metric, Washington report says
据《南华早报》1月24日报道,一项研究发现,中国在创新的一个关键指标上超过了美国,并在另一个方面取得了重大进展。信息技术与创新基金会(Information Technology and innovation Foundation)是一家专注于美国科技政策的无党派智库,该基金会进行的研究发现,2020年中国的创新水平是美国的139%,从2010年的78%上升到现在的78%。“中国正在从一个模仿者转变为一个创新者,走的是其亚洲技术所开辟的道路


乌克兰泽连斯基访问华盛顿,拜登批准更多军事援助 - Biden approves more military aid as Ukraine's Zelensky visits Washing
美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)周三承诺访问乌克兰总统沃洛德米尔·泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)将提供军事援助,特别提到他刚刚批准为乌克兰提供的爱国者地空导弹电池,这是一项新的安全援助,总额达18.5亿美国。根据五角大楼的一份清单,拜登批准的武器一揽子计划,还包括“精确航空弹药”,但没有详细说明其类型和数量。据美国媒体报道


华盛顿承认对低收入乌克兰人进行生物学研究:俄罗斯媒体 - Washington admits to conducting biological research on low-income Ukrai
美国驻日内瓦代表团承认,华盛顿一直在《生物和毒素武器公约》缔约国会议上对乌克兰低收入公民进行生物研究,俄罗斯人造卫星通讯社(Sputnik news agency)报道,“美国和乌克兰关于向乌克兰公民出口菌株和生物材料的解释,以及他们在对军事人员、低收入公民以及。。。


1 dead in a float plane crash in U.S. Washington state
One person has been confirmed dead and nine people unaccounted for after a float plane crashed Sunday near Whidbey Island, Washington state.


Americans living in "backsliding" democracy: Washington Post
As voting rights are "being restricted" and freedom is "under siege," Americans are living in a "backsliding" democracy, a recent opinion pi


Multiple people shot in northeast Washington, D.C., police say
Multiple people have been shot in northeast Washington D.C., police said Monday night.The D.C. Police Department tweeted they had "responded


Washington urged to stop interfering in affairs of Xinjiang
Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Monday that the latest attempts by the United States to interfere in the Xinjiang Uygur auton


Washington urged not to stir up trouble on South China Sea issue
China criticized the United States on Wednesday as being "extremely irresponsible" in using the South China Sea issue to stir up trouble and


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