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FM发言人表示,中国的网络安全审查不针对任何特定国家或地区 - China's cybersecurity review does not target any particular cou


Chinese and Russian FMs exchange views on sidelines of SCO event in India - Chinese and Russian FMs
Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Goa of India on Thursday, during which the two sides agreed


ROK leader warned over Taiwan views - ROK leader warned over Taiwan views
Republic of Korea President Yoon Suk-yeol's attempts to curry favor with the United States by making provocative remarks on the Taiwan question were "shortsighted and unwise" and risked harming his country's relationship with China, ex


Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge passes completion review - Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge passes comple
A completion review committee assembled by Chinese authorities on Wednesday concluded that the main part of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is a quality construction.The project has set multiple world records and can provide valuable lessons for the con


CCIA releases review sorting out U.S. global cyberattacks - CCIA releases review sorting out U.S. gl
(ECNS) -- The China Cybersecurity Industry Alliance (CCIA) released the Review of Cyberattacks from U.S. Intelligence Agencies- Based on Global Cybersecurity Communities' Analyses on Tuesday,systematically sorting out the cyber attack activities cond


Polls show negative views towards Taiwan region leader's trip to US - Polls show negative views
A recent poll found that about 98 percent of respondents have a negative view of the "transit" to the United States by Tsai Ing-wen, the leader of the Taiwan region during a visit to Central American nations.Tsai is reportedly scheduled to visit


China and ASML exchange views on development in China - China and ASML exchange views on development
Commerce Minister Wang Wentao and Dutch chip-making equipment maker ASML's CEO Peter Wennink exchanged views on ASML's development in China and other issues on Tuesday.During the meeting, Wang emphasized that China will unswervingly promote high


(W. E. Talk•In-depth Interview) Zhang Xiaojing: Responding to Schumpeter's question, how to dev
By Han YuJoseph Schumpeter, an Austrian-born economist, wrote in his History of Economic Analysis, “…in ancient China, the home of the oldest literary culture of which we know. We find infact a highly developed public administration that dealt currently w


Consumers warned of bogus product reviews - Consumers warned of bogus product reviews
China's consumer association has warned people about being misled by vloggers on social media who review consumer products, saying that some of them offer misleading information or may have conflicts of interest or may be deliberately influencing buy


China to review anti-dumping measures on imported photographic paper, paper board from EU, U.S., Jap
China's Ministry of Commerce announced on Wednesday that it would launch an anti-dumping expiry review on the imports of photographic paper and paper board originating from the European Union (EU), the United States and Japan.The review will start on


中国反对英国《综合评论》炒作台湾问题 - China opposes UK's Integrated Review hyping Taiwan question


国际社会如何从“两会”视角看待中国民主 - How int'l community views Chinese democracy through lens of 'two ses
2017年,来自中国西南部四川省山区阿布洛哈村的第一名大学生吉列·齐日决定放弃工作,回到家乡。作为中国共产党(中共)村支部书记,吉列·齐日带领当地居民脱贫致富。经过吉列·齐里(Jilie Ziri)和他的同乡们多年的努力,这个曾经与世隔绝的小镇已经通过一条铺好的道路与外界相连


欧盟敦促公平看待回应 - EU urged to view response fairly


审查野生动物法修订草案 - Draft revision to wildlife law reviewed


中国海军舰艇参加国际舰队检阅 - Chinese naval vessel to participate in int'l fleet review


国际记者分享对大会的看法 - Int'l journalists share views on congress


麝香采访强调和平统一原则 - Musk interview underscores peaceful reunification principle
特斯拉首席执行官埃伦·马斯克(Elon Musk)提议将台湾设立为特别行政区后,外交部发言人周日表示,特斯拉首席行政官建议台湾可以成为中国期望的“特别行政区”,并很高兴看到越来越多的人理解和支持其“和平统一、一国两制”的原则。在最近出版的《金融时报》采访中,马斯克表示,他解决台湾问题的建议“是


美国应该纠正其安全审查滥用:部长 - US should correct its security review abuse: ministry


U、 美国法官任命“特别大师”审查特朗普在马拉戈搜查中缴获的物品 - U.S. judge names 'special master' to review seized item
周四,一名联邦法官任命了一名“特别负责人”,负责审查联邦调查局(FBI)特工在搜查前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)位于马拉戈(Mar-A-Lago)的住所时缴获的物品。在一项法庭命令中,美国佛罗里达州南区地方法官艾琳·坎农任命纽约东区地方法院的美国高级地方法官雷蒙德·迪里担任独立仲裁人或特别法官。作为一个特殊的主人,亲爱的


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