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Chinese envoy says international community must help Africa eradicate terrorism - Chinese envoy says
A Chinese envoy on Tuesday called on the international community to help Africa address its most pressing challenges and eradicate terrorist threats.Africa still has a long way to go to eradicate terrorism, special Chinese government representative on Afr


Putin alleges U.S. behind 'terrorist attack' on Nord Stream pipelines - Putin alleges U.S.
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday said the theory that Ukrainian activists were involved in the Nord Stream pipelines blast last year is "complete nonsense," alleging the United States is behind what he called a "terrorist attack.


普京谴责俄罗斯布良斯克地区的“恐怖袭击” - Putin condemns 'terrorist attack' in Russia's Bryansk region
克里姆林宫周四表示,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)将早些时候发生在俄罗斯南部布良斯克地区的事件称为“恐怖袭击”,并补充说,肇事者以平民为目标。俄罗斯总统在向一个试点教育项目的参与者发表视频讲话时,对布良斯克事件进行了评估。“俄罗斯军队的士兵和军官……正在勇敢、英勇地履行职责,保护俄罗斯免受新纳粹主义


巴基斯坦西南部4名恐怖分子在反恐行动中丧生 - 4 terrorists killed in counter-terror operation in SW Pakistan


中国反对将反恐问题政治化、工具化:特使 - China opposes politicization, instrumentalization of counterterrorism issues:


喀布尔恐怖袭击被谴责 - Kabul terrorist attack condemned


Xi表示,中国将支持、帮助索马里重建、反错误斗争 - Xi says China to support, help Somalia in reconstruction, anti-terror fig


巴基斯坦西北部军队与恐怖分子冲突导致2人死亡 - 2 killed in clash between army, terrorists in NW Pakistan


普京谴责克里米亚大桥爆炸是恐怖行为 - Putin denounces Crimean Bridge explosion as terrorist act
俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)周日表示,克里米亚大桥爆炸无疑是一次恐怖行为,旨在摧毁俄罗斯重要的民用基础设施。普京在会见俄罗斯调查委员会主席亚历山大·巴斯特里金时说:“乌克兰的特种部队是发起人、表演者和策划者。”。巴斯特里金证实了普京的声明,他说,俄罗斯公民和外国公民也参与了这起事件。“我们已经建立


Counter-terrorism forum in Beijing eyes int'l cooperation, smart weaponry
The Great Wall-2022 International Forum on Counter-terrorism, hosted by the Chinese People's Armed Police Force, was held both online and of


Xinjiang overcomes terrorism, prospers
Once inundated by extremism and poverty, region has come on strong economically to become magnet for touristsAfter successfully curbing terr


U.S. accused of engaging in 'technological terrorism'
Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Wednesday that the United States is engaging in "technological terrorism" by pushing the Neth


Turkey not to allow 'terror-supporting' countries to join NATO: president
Turkey will not allow "terrorism-supporting" countries to enter NATO, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Sunday, underlining the ta


Support vowed for Pakistan terror fight
China will continue to support Pakistan in enhancing counterterrorism capabilities and work with it to resolutely thwart any attempt to dama


UN chief calls for strengthening Niger's capacity in fighting terrorism
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on the international community on Monday here to invest in strengthening the capacity of Niger'


China, Pakistan vow to hunt down terrorists
China will work with Pakistan to hunt down the terrorists responsible for the bombing in Karachi, in southern Pakistan's Sindh province, tha


Pakistani PM vows to hold Karachi terror culprits to account
(ECNS) -- Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif visited the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan after a bomb hit a shuttle passenger van of the Co


Those behind Karachi terrorist attack will pay price: FM spokesperson
The blood of the Chinese cannot be shed in vain, and those behind this incident will surely pay the price, a Chinese foreign ministry spokes


I will act now
My dreams are worthless, my plans are dust, my goals are impossible.  All are of no value unless they are followed by action.  I will act now.  Never has there been a map, however carefully executed to detail and scale, which carried
