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Xinjiang to build 1,000 soccer kindergartens
The Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region will build 1,000 kindergartens offering soccer education this year as part of a pilot project being run


China to tighten regulation of livestreaming, short videos
The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) on Thursday said it will continue to crack down on wrongdoing and malpractice in livestreaming


Xi attending closing ceremony of Beijing Winter Paralympics
Chinese President Xi Jinping is attending the closing ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games, held at the National Stadium in


世卫组织:人类将在2022年战胜新冠疫情Covid-19: WHO chief optimistic disease will be beaten in 2022


20多岁最后悔做的5件事情5 Dumb Things People Often Do in Their 20s That They Soon Regret
Photo by Jill Wellington from Pexels 1.Letting the party go on a little too lon


2020年要走了 这些好消息曾带给我们温暖2020 has good news, too, and they worth your attention
2020年是多灾多难的一年,接踵而至的坏消息让人们焦头烂额,但是这一年也不是全然没有好事发生,比如下面这些振奋人心的好消息就值得喝上一杯。 Credit: In


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