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统一制度将重点放在财产税上 - Unified system puts focus on property tax


May Day holiday sees nearly $130 million tax-free shopping in Hainan - May Day holiday sees nearly $
(ECNS) -- During the five-day May Day holiday, Haikou Customs recorded a total of 883 million yuan ($127.75 million) in duty-free shopping and 109,000 shopping trips in South China’s Hainan province, representing a year-on-year increase of 120 percent and


Unified registry paves way for property tax, though not imminent - Unified registry paves way for pr
The new unified property registration system implemented across China is expected to enhance the nation's real estate transaction efficiency, better protect the legal rights of property owners and lay the foundation for property tax collection in the


China announces tax exemption for imported exhibits at Canton Fair - China announces tax exemption f
(ECNS) -- Imported exhibits within the duty-free quota sold during the Canton Fair 2023 will be exempt from import duty, import value-added tax, and consumption tax, according to Chinese authorities on Saturday.The statement was issued by China's fin


Tax, fee cuts to better shore up biz recovery - Tax, fee cuts to better shore up biz recovery
Revenue reports reflect confidence in achieving growth target of this yearChina's tax and fee cuts and related preferential policies have grown more targeted and tailor-made this year to better boost the economy with a steady and strong recovery by u


China to cut 1.8t yuan in taxes, fees for businesses this year - China to cut 1.8t yuan in taxes, fe
China is expected to reduce tax and fee burden for businesses by 1.8 trillion yuan ($261.62 billion) this year via both preferential tax policies and tax credit refunds, Wang Daoshu, deputy head of China's State Taxation Administration, said at a new


Biz sector in HK lauds tax, fee cut policies - Biz sector in HK lauds tax, fee cut policies
The business sector in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region welcomed the Chinese central government's preferential tax and fee reduction policies, saying these can alleviate the financial burdens of smaller enterprises to support business reco


Tax policies to boost market confidence - Tax policies to boost market confidence
Amid the steady economic recovery, China's renewal and implementation of a range of supportive tax and fee policies will further ease the burden on enterprises and benefit market entities to improve the business environment and boost growth confidenc


Robotaxis in Beijing open new chapter of intelligent transport - Robotaxis in Beijing open new chapt
Driverless cars ready for hire in suburb of capital, marking next step in sector's futureThe scenes in science-fiction movies of people riding unmanned vehicles are becoming increasingly realistic, demonstrated by the recent availability of robotaxis


China releases latest preferential tax policies for chip companies - China releases latest preferent
China has released its latest preferential tax policies for chip companies in 2023, as part of its broader push to encourage the development of the homegrown chip industry.The policies, unveiled by the National Development and Reform Commission on its off


China's tax refunds, cuts for foreign trade companies in 2022 hit over $40 billion - China'
(ECNS) -- China supports all enterprises to enjoy various types of tax preferential policies and tax reduction and tax refund for foreign trade companies last year reached 285 billion yuan(around $41.35 billion), said Yu Jianhua, director-general of China


税务总局:年内全国累计办理出口退免税逾1.6万亿China's export tax refund and exemption reach 1.64t


敦促加大力度遏制任意征税 - More efforts urged to curb arbitrary taxes


泰国出租车司机观看《击倒》的视频走红,显示出中国电视剧在海外的受欢迎程度 - Video of Thai taxi drivers watching 'The Knockout'


2022年中国减税降费、退税、延期支付超过4万亿元 - China's tax and fee cuts, refunds, deferrals surpass 4t yuan in 202


中国百度在武汉运营无人驾驶出租车夜间服务 - China's Baidu operates driverless taxi night service in Wuhan
中国科技巨头百度(Baidu)周一宣布,已扩大其在中国中部城市武汉的无人驾驶出租车服务的商业运营区域和时间。该公司的自动叫车平台Apollo Go首次在武汉推出夜间自动驾驶出租车,标志着中国自动驾驶商业运营的新阶段。目前,阿波罗Go在武汉拥有超过50辆全无人驾驶出租车,运营面积超过130平方公里。平均值


欧盟批准税率协议 - EU approves deal on tax rate
在达成对跨国公司征税的协议后,“多米诺效应”预测。在欧盟解决了内部争端并批准了支持该提议的措施后,为跨国公司引入15%的全球最低税率的长期努力离成功又近了一大步。2021 10月,在巴黎举行的经济合作与发展组织(OECD)会议上,一致同意了统一税率的计划


重新开办符合退税条件的企业 - Reopening businesses eligible for tax refunds


中国出口退税和免税额达到1.64吨 - China's export tax refund and exemption reach 1.64t


美国最高法院允许国会小组获得特朗普的纳税申报单 - U.S. Supreme Court allows congressional panel to obtain Trump's tax r
美国最高法院周二驳回了前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)提出的上诉,该上诉旨在保护他的纳税申报单不受国会小组的审查。该命令是对特朗普的律师上月向高等法院提起的上诉的回应。此前,一家下级法院拒绝撤销其要求特朗普向民主党领导的众议院筹款委员会提交纳税记录的裁决。众议院民主党人多年来一直在寻求获取特朗普的纳税申报表,以获取他们的一项相关调查


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