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政策支持有望促进经济增长 - Policy support expected to boost growth


指南为青少年提供支持 - Guideline gives support to juveniles


马斯克在会见FM时支持稳定的中美关系 - Musk supports steady Sino-U.S. ties in meeting with FM


中方支持塞维护主权和领土完整的努力 - China supports Serbia's efforts to safeguard sovereignty, territorial integ


呼吁政策支持刺激需求 - Call for policy support to spur demand


中国支持世界卫生组织卫生应急工作 - China supports WHO's work in health emergency response


坚定支持核心利益是中刚关系顺利发展的关键:FM秦刚 - Firm support of core interests key to smooth development of China-DR Con


国际货币基金组织规定为家庭提供财政支持 - IMF prescribes fiscal support for households


Policy support set to boost consumption - Policy support set to boost consumption
Nation will deepen reforms to increase incomes, bridge urban-rural wealth gapChina will step up its policy support to increase consumer spending and unleash the country's purchasing potential, a key force that propels the nation's economic recov


Policy support to encourage consumption - Policy support to encourage consumption
Nation expected to deepen reforms to boost incomes, bridge urban-rural wealth gapChina will step up its policy support to increase consumer spending and unleash the country's purchasing potential, a key force that propels the nation's economic r


Shanghai vows better financial support for biz - Shanghai vows better financial support for biz
Regulators stress ties with sectors key to boosting high-quality developmentContinued efforts will be made to further optimize Shanghai's financial ecology so the financial sector can better serve the real economy and facilitate high-quality economic


Chinese policy bank scales up support for water conservancy projects - Chinese policy bank scales up
China Development Bank, one of the country's policy banks, stepped up financial support for major water conservancy projects nationwide in the first three months of this year.During the period, the policy bank issued loans worth 65.5 billion yuan (ab


China to accelerate R&D in 6G, optical communication, quantum communication to support industry digi
China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) vowed to accelerate the research and development of core technologies in 6G, optical communication and quantum communication to support the country’s industry digitalization.Zhao Zhiguo,


Rapid Support Forces says accepts 24-hour truce, Sudanese army says not aware - Rapid Support Forces
Sudan's Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on Tuesday announced that it accepted an international initiative for a truce to stop the clashes with the Sudanese army for 24 hours for humanitarian reasons, while the Sudanese army said it was not aware of the tr


China improves rural public health system amid policy support - China improves rural public health s
Living in a remote village in northwest China, Liang Weiguo, 76, never thought he would be able to receive medical services at home by making a simple phone call.Thanks to a family-doctor service system in his area, Liang is no longer anxious about his ol


China ups support for science popularization talent - China ups support for science popularization t
The China Association of Science and Technology (CAST) stepped up its support for science popularization talent by offering career development opportunities in the sector, CAST said on Monday.The association has begun piloting the implementation of profes


China's State Council discusses improvement on employment support policies - China's State
China's State Council has discussed ways to improve the policies and measures to help stabilize employment, according to a State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Qiang on Friday.The meeting called for further strengthening policy guida


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