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President Xi Jinping speaks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the Phone - President Xi
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday afternoon spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the phone at the invitation of the latter. The two sides exchanged views on China-Ukraine relations and the Ukraine crisis.President Xi noted that Ch


China presence speaks volumes at book fair - China presence speaks volumes at book fair
More than 2,300 titles from over 40 Chinese publishing houses have come to this year's London Book Fair, which ended on Thursday.It is the first time since the pandemic that Chinese publishing delegations have come to the world's premier publish


Senior Chinese legislator meets Antigua and Barbuda deputy speaker - Senior Chinese legislator meets
Li Hongzhong, vice chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, met with Robin Yearwood, deputy speaker of the House of Representatives of Antigua and Barbuda, via video link on Friday.Antigua and Barbuda is the first country in the


Spokesperson warns of countermeasures if Tsai Ing-wen meets with U.S. House speaker - Spokesperson w
A mainland spokesperson on Wednesday warned of resolute countermeasures against a potential meeting between Tsai Ing-wen and Kevin McCarthy, speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.Should the meeting take place during the Taiwan leader's so-call


Forum speakers urge respect for diversified approaches to democracy - Forum speakers urge respect fo
A group of senior officials and renowned scholars criticized the falsely touted narrative of "democracy versus autocracy" during the opening ceremony of the second International Forum on Democracy: The Shared Human Values in Beijing on Thursday.


在政治僵局中,瘫痪的美国众议院再次举行第二天的议长选举 - Paralyzed U.S. House reconvenes for 2nd day of speaker election amid p
陷于瘫痪的美国众议院在第118届国会混乱的开幕日后,于周三中午重新召集众议员选举新议长。美国国会议员凯文·麦卡锡(Kevin McCarthy)来自加利福尼亚州,周二下午的三次投票都未能获得足够的选票,因为他所在政党的大约20名众议院议员选择了其他候选人作为议长。这是众议院议长首次维护秩序、管理议事程序和管理行政


美国众议院在历史性政治僵局中未能选出议长,因此休会 - U.S. House adjourns after failing to elect speaker in historic political
由于美国众议院议员未能选出下院议长,众议院于周二晚间休会。美国国会议员凯文·麦卡锡(Kevin McCarthy)来自加利福尼亚州,当天早些时候,众议院共和党人投了反对票,但未能在三次投票中获得足够的选票。众议院议员同意休会至周三中午,届时将至少进行第四次投票。据报道,麦卡锡周二晚上正在与共和党同僚进行谈判


拜登就冬季风暴的致命影响向纽约州长发表讲话 - Biden speaks to New York governor on deadly impacts of winter storm
美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)周一与纽约州州长凯西·霍切尔(Kathy Hochul)通了电话,讨论了“历史性冬季风暴”的致命影响。拜登表示,“联邦政府将全力支持纽约人民”,纽约州将继续努力应对风暴的余波,据白宫消息,截至周一,持续的暴风雪天气和寒冷的气温导致纽约至少27人死亡。据报道,全国有50多人死亡


英国国王查理三世在议会演讲中谈到“历史的分量” - Britain's King Charles III speaks of 'weight of history' in


Commerce Ministry speaks out against U.S. export controls
The United States' new export controls on advanced chip design software deviates from the principle of fair competition and violates interna


NPC Standing Committee spokesperson makes remarks on U.S. House Speaker Pelosi's visit to China
On behalf of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, a spokesperson for the NPC Standing Committee on Tuesday made remarks


Xi speaks with Biden over phone
Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke with U.S. President Joe Biden on the phone at the request of the latter on Thursday evening. The two pres


BRICS speaks as one voice for shared growth
The BRICS cooperation mechanism has developed a multi-tier, systemic set of institutions that is yielding remarkable progress in key areas,


Defense minister speaks about China's vision of regional order at 19th Shangri-La Dialogue
Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe on Sunday delivered a speech on China's vision of regional order at the 19th Shangri


Experts speak highly of China's human rights progress
Experts attending an international human rights seminar on Tuesday spoke highly of China's human rights development and highlighted China's


Experts speak highly of China's successful Shenzhou-13 mission
Foreign media and space experts have paid particular attention to China's successful Shenzhou-13 manned mission after three Chinese astronau


Macao SAR to enhance role of platform linking China, Portuguese-speaking countries: chief executive
The Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) will make greater efforts to further improve its function of a platform linking China and Port


Chinese premier stresses cooperation with Portuguese-speaking countries
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang called for strengthening cooperation with Portuguese-speaking countries on Sunday.Li made the remarks online whil


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