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【双语财讯】今年前4个月国有企业营收、利润同比双增长Chinese SOEs maintain sound operation with growing revenue, profits
财政部29日公布的数据显示,今年1-4月,全国国有及国有控股企业营业总收入同比增长3.2%,利润总额同比增长3.8%。 在广西柳州市上汽通用五菱精益智造工厂拍摄


高级外交官呼吁中德关系健康稳定发展 - Senior diplomat calls for sound, stable development of China-Germany relations


欧盟绿色协议发出警告 - Caution sounded on EU's Green Deal
在计划草案发布之前,专家们警告说不要采取零和思维。欧盟委员会将于周三公布支持其绿色协议的工业计划,但专家们警告说,在一场可能损害全球应对气候变化努力的竞赛中,不要抱着零和心态。周一泄露给新闻界的一份“面向净零时代的绿色交易产业计划”(a Green Deal Industrial Plan for the Net zero Age)草案将欧盟的计划描述为基于四个支柱:可预测和简化的监管环境;法


李克强总理表示,良好稳定的中日关系符合双方利益 - Premier Li says sound, stable China-Japan ties serve interests of both sid


中国准备促进与北约的良好稳定关系:中国FM - China ready to promote sound, steady relationship with NATO: Chinese FM


Zhejiang marks sound progress in past decade
East China's Zhejiang province has seen rapid advances and significant transformation in several areas over the last 10 years, according to


China to foster market-oriented, world-class business environment governed by sound legal framework:
China is committed to fostering a market-oriented, world-class business environment governed by a sound legal framework, Chinese Premier Li


China's road construction maintains sound momentum: official
China started the construction of 120 projects of expressways and national and provincial highways in the first five months of the year, wit


China's economy maintains sound momentum despite fluctuations
Despite mounting domestic and external uncertainties, China's economy continues to progress with a sound momentum, an official told Xinhua i


Ambassador: Sound trade ties benefit China, U.S.
Sound and healthy trade and economic relations between the United States and China are in the fundamental interests of both nations, said Ch


Nation adopts steps for sound grain output
Li calls on authorities to strictly fulfill responsibility in ensuring food securityChina will adopt a number of policy steps for sound agri


China-EU trade sees sound momentum in first two months
Bilateral trade between China and the European Union (EU) saw a rapid growth in the January-February period, demonstrating vitality and resi


这些法律听上去很夸张,但都是真的!(下)12 weird laws from around the world that sound made up, but are actually true (p
俄罗斯禁止穿蕾丝内衣。在美国的巴尔的摩市算命是违法的。在新加坡出售和进口口香糖是违法的。虽然听起来很夸张,但这些法律都是真实存在的。 这些法律听上去很夸张,但都


Run Through the Rain
She had been shopping with her Mom in Wal-Mart. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful brown haired, freckle-faced image of innocence. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a h


The Sound of Music 音乐之声
The hills are alive with the sound of music,With songs they have sung for a thousand years.The hills fill my heart with the sound of musicMy heart wants to sing every thing every song it hears.My heart wants to beatLike the wings of the bir


The beautiful sound of violin
When Dad played his fiddle(小提琴) , the world became a bright star. To him violin was an instrument of faith, hope and charity. At least a thousand times, my mother said, "Your papa would play his fiddle if the world was about to blow up
