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China plans to retrieve Martian soil by 2030 - China plans to retrieve Martian soil by 2030
China's Chang'e 5 robotic mission created history when it brought back samples from the lunar surface in 2020, and now, Chinese space scientists have set their sights on another celestial body — Mars.According to Wu Yanhua, chief designer of Chi


China emphasizes glacier, frozen soil protection on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in new draft law - China e
China is considering strengthening the protection of snow-capped mountains, glaciers and frozen soil on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau by specifying special requirements in the latest version of a new draft law, a spokesperson said Friday.A draft law on ecolog


Lunar soil retrieved by Chang’e-5 reveals water inside moon glass beads - Lunar soil retrieved by Ch
(ECNS) -- Chinese scientists discovered that a large amount of water may be stored in the glass beads scattered on the lunar surface, according to an analysis of lunar soil samples retrieved during China’s robotic Chang’e-5 mission in 2020.The glass beads


中国研究人员在土壤呼吸测量标准化方面取得进展 - Chinese researchers make progress in standardizing soil respiration measure


科学家首次绘制土壤抗生素耐药基因图谱 - Scientists create first map of soil antibiotic resistance genes


新研究确定了全球土壤保护热点,以保护生态系统 - New research identifies global soil conversation hotspots to protect ecosys


先进技术保护黑土 - Advanced technology preserves black soil


中国科学家在嫦娥五号任务带回的月球土壤样本中发现高含水量 - Chinese scientists find high water content in lunar soil samples brou


China launches innovation alliance to promote use of saline soil
A national agricultural innovation alliance on the comprehensive use of saline soil was jointly launched by the Institute of Agricultural Re


China passes new law to strengthen black soil protection
China's top legislature on Friday passed a law on black soil conservation, as part of efforts to ensure the country's grain security and pro


Chinese scientists find potential in lunar soil to generate oxygen and fuel
Chinese material scientists have found the soil on the moon may potentially be able to generate oxygen and fuel, a find that signifies more


Draft law to protect fertile black soil
A draft revision of the Law on the Protection of Black Soil has highlighted the role black soil plays in safeguarding national food security


Baidu launches digital souvenirs of Moon's soil retrieved by Chang'e-5 spacecraft
China's search engine service provider Baidu on Sunday launched digital souvenirs of the soil retrieved from Moon by the Chinese spacecraft
