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Chinese mainland affirms real benefits for Taiwan compatriots after reunification - Chinese mainland
A Chinese mainland spokesperson on Wednesday affirmed that Taiwan compatriots will enjoy real benefits after the country's reunification.Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said that after its reunification


Chinese mainland affirms real benefits for Taiwan compatriots after reunification - Chinese mainland
A Chinese mainland spokesperson on Wednesday affirmed that Taiwan compatriots will enjoy real benefits after the country's reunification.Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said that after its reunification


Xi祝贺克里斯托杜利德斯就任塞浦路斯总统 - Xi congratulates Christodoulides on assuming Cypriot presidency


Xi强调爱国卫生事业的关键作用 - Xi highlights key role of patriotic push for health


美国众议院调查国会暴乱小组发布最终报告 - U.S. House panel investigating Capitol riot releases final report


美国国会暴乱调查小组将于下周发布最终报告 - U.S. panel investigating Capitol riot to release final report next week
美国众议院专责委员会主席周二表示,该委员会将于下周发布最终报告。该委员会主席美国国会议员本尼·汤普森(Bennie Thompson)表示,委员会将于12月19日批准该报告,并于两天后向公众发布。密西西比州民主党人汤普森(Thompson)此前表示,他们将向美国司法部(DOJ)进行“刑事移交”。这将取决于司法部,以确定它是否会根据


U、 美国小组投票就国会暴乱传唤特朗普 - U.S. panel votes to subpoena Trump over Capitol riot
调查去年国会大厦骚乱的众议院特别委员会星期四投票传唤美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普。9人小组主席、民主党众议员本尼·汤普森(Bennie Thompson)周四下午在第10次公开听证会上表示:“他必须为自己的行为负责。”。该委员会认为,共和党人直接参与了推翻2020年总统选举结果的努力,他在选举中输给了民主党人乔·拜登。特朗普猛烈抨击了


众议院特别小组宣布美国国会大厦暴乱新听证会日期 - House select panel announces date for new hearing on U.S. Capitol riot


MOFA: Chinese Embassy in Cambodia receives over 20 Taiwan compatriots' requests for help
The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Monday said the Chinese Embassy in Cambodia has received requests for help from more than 20 Taiwan compatri


Chinese embassies, consulates stand ready to help overseas Taiwan compatriots: spokesperson
Overseas Taiwan compatriots can contact and seek help from Chinese embassies and consulates when they encounter difficulties, a Chinese main


Spokesman: Taiwan compatriots will grow to understand, accept 'one country, two systems'
The Chinese mainland is willing to explore a "one country, two systems" solution for Taiwan as the two sides work to achieve peaceful reunif


Top political advisor calls on Taiwan compatriots to stand firmly on right side of history
China's top political advisor Wang Yang on Wednesday called on Taiwan compatriots to gain a clear understanding of the overall trend of cros


U.S. House committee subpoenas former White House counsel as Capitol riot inquiry continues
The U.S. House select committee investigating the Capital riot last year has subpoenaed former White House counsel Pat Cipollone for the inq


My heart is always with Hong Kong compatriots: Xi
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday said he has all along been concerned about Hong Kong and his heart is always with Hong Kong compatr


Xi extends congratulations, best wishes to Hong Kong compatriots
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday congratulated Hong Kong compatriots and extended his best wishes on the occasion marking the 25th a


U.S. official says conspiracy behind Capitol riot not over
The conspiracy behind the U.S. Capitol riot in January 2021 still poses a threat to the U.S. democracy, a New Delhi-based Television news ch


HKSAR's sixth-term chief executive election successful practice of "patriots administering
The Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on Sunday


Golden Fruit
Of the fruits of the year I give my vote to the orange. In the first place it is a perennial -- if not in actual fact, at least in the greengrocer's shop. On the days when dessert is a name given to a handful of chocolates and a little pre
