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The Fishermen 垂钓者
There was a group called "The Fisherman‘s Fellowship". They were surrounded by streams and lakes full of hungry fish. They met regularly to discuss the call to fish, and the thrill of catching fish. They got excited about fishing!!Someone


What will matter?人生的意义
Ready or not, some day it will all come to an end. There will be no more sunrises, no days, no hours or minutes. All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten, will pass to someone else.Your wealth, fame and temporal power wi


Celebration of Life
On my way home from coaching basketball yesterday, I was listening to WGN, my favorite talk radio station out of Chicago. I could tell right away that there was something wrong by the somber(忧郁的) mood of the speaker.There had been a pl


Life Needs Gratefulness
Many details and trifles(琐事) in life appear to be neglected by us in a bustling urban life. Some people attribute it to the fickle(浮躁的) ambience over the whole city. Some think that our passion has been ironed out by invariably ted


Setting my resolutions for Chinese New Year
With the Year of the Snake practically upon us, and with the solar New Year fast fading into distant memory, I have been ruminating(反刍,沉思) over the habit that so many people have of making new year resolutions ... and then breaking t


Think about the last time you felt a negative emotion---like stress, anger, or frustration. What was going through your mind as you were going through that negativity? Was your mind cluttered with thoughts? Or was it paralyzed, unable to th


On Meeting the Celebrated
I have always wondered at the passion many people have to meet the celebrated. The prestige(威望) you acquire by being able to tell your friends that you know famous men proves only that you are yourself of small account. The celebrated d


Clear Your Mental Space
Think about the last time you felt a negative emotion -- like stress, anger, or frustration. What was going through your mind as you were going through that negativity? Was your mind cluttered with thoughts? Or was it paralyzed, unable to t


What is Your Recovery Rate
What is your recovery rate? How long does it take you to recover from actions and behaviors that upset you? Minutes? Hours? Days? Weeks? The longer it takes you to recover, the more influence that incident has on your actions, and the less


New Theories on Keeping Slim
Year after year cook books and diet books are the biggest seller, how not to eat it once you've learned how to cook it. To sell a diet book you need some crazy idea of what to eat or not to eat. Here's a peanut butter diet book, the ice cre


Keep Your Cool
Everyone would have heard the famous phrase "Anger is one short of danger". It is an age-old adage, but it is tested and still holds ture. Thing said or done during anger have created havoc with a lot of people and things. the tightly packe


Mistakes and errors are the disciplined true which we advance in life. Mistakes are great teachers. Success comes to those who are willing to risk making mistakes in the pursuit of their goals and aspirations, and who are able to learn from


Never Judge A Book by Its Cover
A lady in a faded gingham dress and her husband, dressed in a homespun threadbare suit, stepped off the train in Boston, and walked timidly without an appointment into the president of Harvard's outer office .The secretary could tell in a m


Be grateful to life
Once President Roosevelt's house was broken into and lots of things were stolen. Hearing this, one of Roosevelt's friends wrote to him and advised him not to take it to his heart so much. President Roosevelt wrote back immediately, saying,


True Love Always Prevails
True love is we stick together in "thick and thin". Especially when it's thin, when it's troublesome. Then we should really bridge over the "troubled water". That's what they say in English. But most of us fail the test,


1. They go to parks One study found that people who live in cities with more green space feel better than those surrounded by man-made materials. How much better? The happiness jump associated with green space is equal to about one-third t


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