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大使馆声明:台湾问题的“政治秀”将以失败告终 - 'Political show' with the Taiwan question will end in failure: Em
英国政治家利兹·特拉斯(Liz Truss)最近对台湾的访问是一场危险的政治表演,只会对英国造成伤害。这一挑衅性举动引起了中国人民的强烈愤慨,并将遭到各界有识之士的坚决反对。世界上只有一个中国,台湾自古以来就是中国领土不可分割的一部分。台湾回归中国是战后国际秩序的一个组成部分。一系列国际


China sanctions U.S. anti-China hawk for his frequent interference in Taiwan question, signals deter
China's Foreign Ministry on Thursday imposed sanctions on the anti-China U.S. lawmaker Michael McCaul, who has frequently interfered in China's internal affairs and sent wrong signals to "Taiwan independence" separatists.The countermea


Taiwan question is not about democracy: Chinese spokesperson - Taiwan question is not about democrac
The Taiwan question is not about democracy and such moves of supporting "Taiwan independence" separatist forces in the name of democracy and using the Taiwan question to contain China are highly dangerous and will get nowhere, a Chinese foreign


(W. E. Talk•In-depth Interview) Zhang Xiaojing: Responding to Schumpeter's question, how to dev
By Han YuJoseph Schumpeter, an Austrian-born economist, wrote in his History of Economic Analysis, “…in ancient China, the home of the oldest literary culture of which we know. We find infact a highly developed public administration that dealt currently w


Chinese FM spokesperson addresses questions including on Brazilian president's upcoming visit -
The following is the full text of Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin's regular press conference on Friday. CCTV: China announced today that President Xi Jinping will pay a state visit to Russia. Could you share the program of the visit


中国反对英国《综合评论》炒作台湾问题 - China opposes UK's Integrated Review hyping Taiwan question


U、 美国大学禁止TikTok引发质疑 - U.S. universities' ban of TikTok raises questions
得克萨斯州的几所大学加入了美国其他保守州越来越多的公共机构名单,以安全为由禁止TikTok进入校园Wi-Fi网络。但此类行动因其潜在的过度传播效应而受到批评。德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin)拥有52000多名学生,已将社交媒体应用TikTok从其网络中屏蔽,并正在从所有大学发行的设备中删除该应用,包括手机、


中国就美国的单边贸易做法向世贸组织提出312个问题 - China raises 312 questions at the WTO over U.S.' unilateral trade p


中国在深空探测中向全球征集科学问题 - China solicits scientific questions globally in deep space exploration


和平意味着解决台湾问题的第一选择:发言人 - Peaceful means first choice to resolve Taiwan question: spokesperson


Taiwan is China’s Taiwan and Taiwan question is China’s domestic affairs: China’s Defense Minister
Taiwan is China's Taiwan and the Taiwan question is China's domestic affairs, said China's State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe d


Taiwan question seen as key to China-Japan ties
Beijing has underscored that the Taiwan question is the key to relations between China and Japan at the latest high-level dialogue of their


Trump declines to answer questions in civil investigation
Former U.S. President Donald Trump declined to answer questions in a civil investigation into his business dealings on Wednesday morning.Aft


Full Text: The Taiwan Question and China's Reunification in the New Era
The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and the State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China published a white


China releases white paper on Taiwan question, reunification in new era
The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and the State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China published a white


Spokesperson makes remarks on white paper on Taiwan question and China's reunification in new e
A spokesperson for the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee on Wednesday made remarks on a newly publi


China firmly rejects U.S. provocation and political gambling on Taiwan question: Wang Yi
On Thursday, China called on all parties to continue supporting China's legitimate positions and measures and jointly maintain peace in the


Chinese defense minister reiterates China's resolute position on Taiwan question
Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe has reiterated China's resolute position on the Taiwan question.Taiwan is an inalien


Japan has no right to make irresponsible remarks on Taiwan question: spokesperson
A Chinese defense spokesperson said on Thursday that the Taiwan question is purely China's internal affairs, and Japan must refrain from mak


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