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4 men imprisoned for rape of 12-year-old girl - 4 men imprisoned for rape of 12-year-old girl
Four men in Linxia, Northwest China's Gansu province, have been sentenced to imprisonment ranging from six years to 15 years for raping a 12-year-old girl in 2021.The four were also deprived of their political rights and ordered to pay a total of 126


美国大学披露了几十年前在囚犯身上进行的不道德实验 - U.S. university discloses unethical experiments on prisoners decades ago


白宫证实,美国国民在俄乌囚犯交换期间获释 - White House confirms U.S. national freed during Russia-Ukraine prisoner swap


Kris Wu被判13年监禁 - Kris Wu sentenced to 13 years in prison
周五,加拿大华裔明星吴亦凡(Kris Wu)在诱骗女性发生性关系后,被北京法院判处13年监禁,刑期结束后将被驱逐出境。北京市朝阳区人民法院表示,吴某被判强奸罪和聚众淫乱罪。2020年11月至12月,吴某在其住所内与三名女性发生了性关系,这三名女性醉酒后不知情或无法反抗,并于2018年7月1日,


50名乌克兰军人与俄罗斯交换囚犯获释 - 50 Ukrainian servicemen freed in prisoner swap with Russia
乌克兰总统办公室负责人安德烈·叶尔马克(Andriy Yermak)周四表示,在最近一次与俄罗斯交换囚犯后,50名乌克兰军人已经回国。耶马克在Telegram上写道,获释者中有两名军官,以及48名军士和士兵。他补充道,大部分获释士兵在乌克兰海军、国民警卫队和武装部队服役。叶尔马克没有提供乌克兰根据协议释放的俄罗斯军队数量的细节。解放更多人的努力


前特朗普顾问因藐视国会被判处4个月监禁 - Former Trump adviser sentenced to 4 months in prison for contempt of Congress
U、 周五,美国右翼人物史蒂夫·班农因藐视国会被判处四个月监禁。联邦地方法院法官卡尔·尼科尔斯还裁定,曾担任美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普首席策略师的班农将不得不支付6500美国的罚款。尼科尔斯说,现年68岁的班农“对自己的行为没有表示悔恨”,但同意在对有罪判决提出上诉期间维持裁决。班农去年因藐视众议院选举委员会的传票而被起诉


Aung San Suu Kyi sentenced to 3 more years in prison, totaling 20 years
Myanmar's former State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi on Friday has been sentenced to three years in jail for electoral fraud in 2020, increasi


Retired police officer sentenced to 10 years in prison for actions related to U.S. Capitol breach
A retired New York police Department officer was sentenced to 10 years in prison on Thursday for assaulting a law enforcement officer with a


Myanmar's former State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi sentenced to 6 more years in prison
Myanmar's former State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi has been sentenced to six more years in jail for four corruption cases, increasing her to


U.S. white men sentenced to life in prison for killing Black jogger Ahmaud Arbery
Two white men were sentenced to life in prison on Monday for the 2020 murder of Black man Ahmaud Arbery.U.S. District Court Judge for the So


Derek Chauvin sentenced to 21 years in federal prison for violating George Floyd's civil rights
Derek Chauvin, a former police officer of Minneapolis, in the U.S. state of Minnesota, was sentenced in a federal court to 21 years in priso


Ukraine, Russia carry out largest prisoner exchange since conflict start
Ukraine and Russia carried out their largest prisoner exchange since the start of the conflict on Feb. 24, the Main Intelligence Directorate


Ukraine, Russia conduct fresh prisoner exchange
Ukraine and Russia on Thursday conducted their seventh prisoner exchange since the start of the conflict, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Ir


Myanmar court sentences Aung San Suu Kyi to 5 years in prison
A Myanmar court on Wednesday sentenced former leader Aung San Suu Kyi to five years in prison after finding her guilty of taking a bribe.The


Ukraine, Russia conduct sixth prisoner exchange
Ukraine and Russia on Thursday conducted their sixth prisoner exchange since the start of the conflict, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryn


Ukraine, Russia conduct fifth prisoner swap
Ukraine and Russia on Tuesday conducted their fifth prisoner exchange since the start of the conflict, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna


Ukraine ready to exchange prisoners with Russia: Zelensky
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Sunday that his country stands ready for an all-for-all prisoner exchange with Russia before


Ukraine, Russia conduct first prisoner swap
Ukraine and Russia conducted the first prisoner swap since the start of the conflict, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk said


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