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流行乐队的演唱会门票几秒钟内售罄 - Concert tickets for popular band sell out in seconds


'Travel squad' becomes a popular trip style among tight schedule and low budget youth - &#
Watching the flag-raising ceremony at Tian'anmen Square, visiting the 720,000 square meters Palace Museum, trotting through old hutongs in the heartland of the Chinese capital, offering incense at the very "efficacious" Yonghe Lama Temple,


Space Day of China to be celebrated with academic, science-popularization activities - Space Day of
A series of activities, including academic conferences and science exhibitions, will be held to celebrate the upcoming Space Day of China, which falls on April 24, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) announced Tuesday.The activities include the


China ups support for science popularization talent - China ups support for science popularization t
The China Association of Science and Technology (CAST) stepped up its support for science popularization talent by offering career development opportunities in the sector, CAST said on Monday.The association has begun piloting the implementation of profes


Overseas study likely to regain popularity - Overseas study likely to regain popularity
Last year, Liu Zitong shelved her plan to study abroad due to COVID-19 and other safety concerns, and instead prepared for the national postgraduate entrance exam to enroll in a Chinese university.However, after the 22-year-old senior undergraduate studen


Popular self-service stores in Chengdu demonstrate value of trust - Popular self-service stores in C
(ECNS) -- Various self-service shops have emerged in Chengdu, Southwest China's Sichuan province recently. Candy, flower, coffee shops, and bakeries operate without assistants.In a self-service bread store on Niushikou Road in Chengdu, there is a sma


American-style electoral democracy loses popular support: report - American-style electoral democrac
Midterm elections have become the most expensive ones in the United States, and American-style democracy has lost its popular support, said a report released by China's State Council Information Office on Tuesday.Political donations have made America


Learning Chinese becomes increasingly popular among Indonesian officials - Learning Chinese becomes
(ECNS) -- "I like Sun Wukong (or Monkey King) and Nezha (a Chinese mythological figure), especially the story of Bai Suzhen (the white snake maiden) in the Legend of the White Snake," said Akumad Ripai, who comes from the village of Semarang in


中国仍是外国投资的热门目的地 - China remains popular destination for foreign investment


流行的电视肥皂剧吸引了大批游客前往大理 - Popular TV soap sends hordes of tourists Dali's way


中国功夫在马拉维大受欢迎 - Chinese Kung Fu gains popularity in Malawi
在练了10年功夫之后,布兰太尔体育俱乐部武术队的成员梅丁顿·姆西卡(Meddington Msiska)现在正在向他的同伴传授各种中国武术技巧。姆西卡于2012年开始学习功夫,在一些中国教练的帮助下,他说,他喜欢功夫,因为它的美丽和背后的方法,他的愿望是参加许多比赛来展示他的才能。“功夫是


在阿拉伯国家播放的热门中国电视剧 - Popular Chinese TV dramas aired in Arab states


伊斯坦布尔的热门大道变为红色,以纪念周日袭击的受害者 - Istanbul's popular avenue turns red to commemorate victims of Sund
周一,数千面土耳其国旗和一束束康乃馨将伊斯坦布尔繁忙的伊斯坦布尔大道染成红色,市民们纪念周日恐怖袭击的受害者。伊斯坦布尔市长埃克雷姆·伊马莫格鲁(Ekrem Imamoglu)在下午参观商店并与游客交谈时表示:“我们将迅速治愈创伤,我们将共同努力,继续我们城市的和平。”。周日下午,这条繁忙的大道遭到爆炸袭击,造成6人死亡,81人受伤


BRI已经成为一种受欢迎的国际公益物:发言人 - BRI already a popular international public good: spokesperson


中国将继续受欢迎的投资目的地:发言人 - China to remain popular investment destination: spokesperson


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