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Research points way forward in cancer fight - Research points way forward in cancer fight
The main challenges in liver cancer treatment lie in reducing the recurrence rate of tumors, strengthening early detection and diagnosis, and improving conversion treatment for mid- and late-stage patients, leading experts said in a media interview on Wed


China's business income rebound points to improving economy: official - China's business i
Chinese businesses have posted a strong rebound in sales revenue since the beginning of this year in the latest signal of an improving economy.Wang Jun, head of the State Taxation Administration, told a press conference Thursday that the combined sales re


俄罗斯任命乌克兰新军事指挥官 - Russia appoints new military commander in Ukraine


鲍威尔宣布即将小幅加息后,道指跳涨700点 - Dow jumps over 700 points after Powell signals smaller rate hikes soon
周三,华尔街主要平均指数上涨,因投资者对美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)的言论表示欢迎,该言论表明12月紧缩步伐可能放缓。道琼斯工业平均指数上涨737.24点,收于34589.77点,涨幅2.18%。标准普尔500指数上涨122.48点,收于4080.11点,涨幅3.09%。纳斯达克综合指数上涨484.22点,至11468.00点,涨幅4.41%。所有11个主要标普500指数板块均以绿色收盘,科技和通信板块均上涨


中国任命塞尔维亚选手乔尔杰维奇为男篮主教练 - China appoints Serbia's Djordjevic as men's basketball head coach


道指暴跌近650点,避险情绪盛行 - Dow plunges nearly 650 points as risk-off sentiment prevails


第三季度GDP数据显示经济稳步复苏 - Q3 GDP figure points to steady recovery


美联储再次大幅加息后,道琼斯指数暴跌500点以上 - Dow plunges over 500 points after Fed delivers another big rate hike
U、 在美联储批准再次大幅加息后,美国股市周三大幅下跌。道琼斯工业平均指数(Dow Jones Industrial Average)下跌522.45点,或1.70%,收于30183.78点。标准普尔500指数(S&P 500)下跌66点,或1.81%,收于3789.93点。纳斯达克综合指数(Nasdaq Composite Index)下跌204.86点,或1.59%,收于11220.19点。所有11个主要标准普尔500板块均出现亏损,非必需消费品和通信服务板块分别下跌2.37%和2.29%,导致损失


联合国秘书长任命奥地利的沃尔克·图尔克为人权事务主任 - UN chief appoints Volker Turk of Austria as human rights chief


Dow slumps over 600 points in worst day since June
U.S. stocks fell sharply on Monday as consumer discretionary and technology sectors led the broad market lower.The Dow Jones Industrial Aver


State Council appoints secretary-general of Committee for Safeguarding National Security of HKSAR
The State Council has decided to appoint Sonny Au Chi-kwong as secretary-general of the Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the


Indonesia, China agree to foster new growth points
Indonesian President Joko Widodo and visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi agreed on Monday to foster new growth poi


Biden appoints first Native American to serve as treasurer
U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday announced the appointment of Marilynn Malerba, chief of the Mohegan Tribe, to serve as treasurer of the


Russian military appoints new 'head' of Kherson region in Ukraine
The Russian military appointed a new "head" of the Kherson region in southern Ukraine on Tuesday after seizing the Kherson city council on M


There Years Later and 10 Points Wiser
Time isn’t on my side. Another year has passed, and the completion of my junior year is the essence of my thought. What a year it has been. I ritually write a column summarizing the new theories of each of my years. Now I’m a 20-year-old


Is your life ruled by love or by fear? Love and fear are opposite emotional attitudes that shape our life in very different ways. The psychoanalyst John McMurray describes the difference like this:  "The fear-determined have no sun in the


国际英语新闻:Ukrainian parliament appoints Speaker as interim president
KIEV, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- Ukrainian lawmakers on Sunday voted to hand over the duties of president to parliament Speaker
