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U.S. appeals court partly halts ruling that endangers access to key abortion pill - U.S. appeals cou
The New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals late on Wednesday partly blocked a ruling that endangers access to the key abortion pill mifepristone in the United States.Matthew Kacsmaryk, a district judge in Amarillo, Texas, appointed by former


中国新冠肺炎疫苗即将上市 - Chinese COVID-19 pill coming soon
据江苏省医药产品管理局(Jiangsu Medical Products Administration)消息,由江苏省一家中国制药公司生产的新型新冠肺炎(COVID-19)药物预计最快将于2月上市销售。该药物的知识产权归Simcere制药公司所有,即SIM0417。它是与中国科学院上海药物研究所和武汉病毒研究所联合开发的。12月中旬,1208名患者入选了三期临床


NASA的韦伯望远镜拍摄到了创造之柱的肖像 - NASA's Webb telescope captures portrait of Pillars of Creation
NASA周三表示,NASA的詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜捕捉到了标志性的“创造之柱”(Pillars of Creation),在那里,新恒星正在致密的气体和尘埃云中形成。三维柱子看起来像雄伟的岩层,但渗透性更强。据美国宇航局称,这些柱状物由冷的星际气体和尘埃组成,在近红外光下呈半透明状。韦伯对“创造之柱”的新观点,在美国宇航局的哈勃望远镜拍摄到这幅图像时,它第一次出名


美国药监局批准首款新冠口服治疗药物FDA authorizes 1st antiviral pill for COVID


Oral pill for COVID-19 approved by regulator
China's top drug regulator said on Monday that it has granted conditional approval for a homegrown oral pill to be used to treat COVID-19 di


Demand for abortion pills in U.S. grows
Since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the federal constitutional right to abortion, demand for medical abortions, done with pills and with


研究:安眠药长期服用会失效Sleeping pills do not work in long term, scientists find
常吃安眠药的人会发现,安眠药貌似越吃越不灵。如今研究证实,安眠药确实不适合长期服用,只有短期内服用才有效,长远来看治疗失眠还是应该求助于认知行为疗法。 [Pho
