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Pakistani political changes will not affect China-Pakistan ties: FM spokesperson
China on Monday said it will maintain its policy of friendly ties with Pakistan no matter how the political situation in Pakistan changes.Ch


Pelosi's Taiwan visit plan must be canceled, not postponed: FM spokesperson
A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Friday reiterated China's position on U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's planned visit to Taiwan, urg


Spokesperson slams Taiwan's DPP for exploiting Ukraine issue
A mainland spokesperson on Wednesday slammed Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authority for exploiting the Ukraine situation to m


U.S. should immediately cease arms sale to Taiwan: Chinese spokesperson
The United States should immediately correct its erroneous act of selling arms to Taiwan and cease playing with fire when it comes to Taiwan


China-India corps commander level meeting yields positive, constructive results: spokesperson
The 15th round of the China-India Corps Commander Level Meeting has yielded positive and constructive results, Wu Qian, spokesperson for Chi


Chinese defense spending open, transparent: spokesperson
A Chinese military spokesperson on Thursday refuted malicious accusations regarding China's defense budget from some Western officials and m


China opposes U.S. arms sales to Taiwan: military spokesperson
A Chinese military spokesperson Thursday expressed strong opposition to U.S. arms sales to China's Taiwan region and official exchanges or m


Chinese military to award August 1 Medal to outstanding personnel
With approval from Xi Jinping, chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), the CMC will award the August 1 Medal to outstanding perso


China reduces personal income tax for parents of children under 3
China has announced tax-relief policies for parents rearing children under 3 years old, according to a State Council circular issued on Mond


U.S., NATO should hold dialogue with Russia, rather than start new Cold War: spokesperson
The United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) should hold dialogue with Russia, rather than start a new Cold War, Chin


U.S., NATO hold key to solving Ukraine crisis: FM spokesperson
The key to solving the Ukraine crisis is in the hands of the United States and NATO, and China hopes that the United States can truly stand


Chinese military spokesperson vows zero tolerance for "Taiwan independence" separatist act
The Chinese military will never tolerate "Taiwan independence" separatist acts and the interference of external forces, a spokesperson has s


Chinese PLA cooperates with militaries of over 50 countries in COVID-19 fight: spokesperson
The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has played an active role in the global fight against COVID-19 while fully supporting domestic ep


Quora精选:一眼识人,如何看清一个人的本性What is the single most revealing thing about any person?
[Photo/pexels] 世界上没有比真正地了解一个人的本性还要困难的事情。有没有什么单一的指标最能揭露任何一个人的本性?Quora网友总结了几种方法。


拜登和哈里斯当选《时代》年度人物Biden and Harris named Time's Person of the Year


Packaging A Person 人的包装
 A person, like a commodity, needs packaging. But going too far is absolutely undesirable. A little exaggeration, however, does no harm when it shows the person's unique qualities to their advantage. To display personal charm in a casual a


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