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中国北方城市首次发布高温预警 - Cities across Northern China issue first high-temperature alert


Launch of northbound trading of Swap Connect to further boost China's financial opening-up - La
The northbound trading link of the Swap Connect between the Chinese mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will commence on May 15, with the initial eligible products including interest rate swap contracts and the yuan being used for con


Swap Connect to start northbound trade on May 15 - Swap Connect to start northbound trade on May 15
Northbound trading of the Swap Connect will kick off on May 15, which will facilitate access of overseas investors to onshore interest rate swaps, the People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, said on Friday.Starting May 15, overseas i


EU nations go on green power drive in North Sea - EU nations go on green power drive in North Sea
Nine European countries signed a declaration on Monday to turn the North Sea into one of the largest wind farms in the world.The declaration following the North Sea Summit, attended by leaders of nine countries in the Belgian seaside town of Ostend, vowed


Sandstorm blows through northern China - Sandstorm blows through northern China
A sandstorm from Mongolia swept through parts of China on Monday, spreading from far north Heilongjiang province to as far south as Shanghai.Despite blowing through a wide area, the storm was weaker in terms of range and intensity than the last sandstorm


Wetlands in north China see over 550,000 migratory birds - Wetlands in north China see over 550,000
Over 550,000 migratory birds have been spotted this spring in the four wetland nature reserves in north China's Tianjin Municipality, according to the municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources.Over 60 migratory bird species have made the tra


Average temperatures in March hit record high in northern to western Japan - Average temperatures in
Japanese weather officials said most regions in Japan logged record-high average temperatures for March this year.According to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), average temperatures in checkpoints from northern to western Japan were higher than the n


Northern Hemisphere sees decreasing aerosol optical depth: research - Northern Hemisphere sees decre
Chinese researchers have studied the long-term global distribution of Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) that has great significance on air pollution control, forest fire prevention and climate research, and found that the AOD experienced a slight downward trend


200-year-old genealogical record discovered in north China - 200-year-old genealogical record discov
A genealogical record dating back 203 years was discovered in north China's Hebei Province, believed to be significant to the study of local society and family tradition.The 118-page book, titled Genealogy of the Yan Family, was discovered in the Don


Northeast China port sees 2,000 China-Europe freight train trips - Northeast China port sees 2,000 C
Northeast China's Suifenhe port on the China-Russia border has handled 2,000 China-Europe freight train trips since the service started in 2018, local authorities said on Wednesday.Over the past five years, the monthly number of China-Europe freight


Northern China to see more sand, dust pollution this year - Northern China to see more sand, dust po
(ECNS) -- This year, a total of 140 cities in China have experienced severe or worse sand and dust pollution, of which 131 cities encountered severe air pollution, the highest in the past five years, said a senior official of China's environment depa


Sandstorm to hit northern China as yellow alert issued across 10 provinces - Sandstorm to hit northe
Affected by cold air, sandstorms and high winds will sweep eastward across the north and northeast parts of China from Tuesday, likely to cause the most severe sandstorm weather to hit China in 2023, according to China's top meteorological authority


华北自然保护区发现濒危鸟类 - Endangered bird species spotted in north China nature reserve


中国西北部的废墟被确认为有3000年历史的定居点 - Ruins in northwest China confirmed as 3,000-year-old settlement


华北地区地下水位上升 - Groundwater levels rise in north China


考古学家报告中国西北部窑址的新发现 - Archaeologists report new finds at kiln site in northwest China


中国提供粮食援助以支持多哥北部的弱势人口 - China provides food assistance to support vulnerable populations in northern


军事行动将在渤海海峡和黄海北部进行 - Military operations will take place in Bohai Strait and northern Yellow Sea


世界卫生组织负责人在援助下访问叙利亚北部地震灾区 - WHO chief visits quake-hit northern Syria with aid


大型项目向北引水600亿立方米 - Mega project diverts 60b cubic meters of water north
据中国南水北调总公司(China South to north water Division Corporation)称,中国长达十年的大型引水工程将水从长江流域引至易干旱的北方,自2013年第一段工程投入运行以来,已引水600多亿立方米,该公司在周日的媒体发布中表示,目前的天然气储量为580亿立方米。“该项目直接受益于


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