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New York City exempts athletes, performers from COVID-19 vaccine mandate
New York City on Thursday provided exemptions of COVID-19 vaccine mandate to professional athletes, performing artists and their accompanyin


U.S., NATO should hold dialogue with Russia, rather than start new Cold War: spokesperson
The United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) should hold dialogue with Russia, rather than start a new Cold War, Chin


Major fire damages commercial building in New York's Flushing Chinatown
A commercial building in Flushing Chinatown of New York City suffered serious damage from a 5-alarm fire on Thursday morning.Fire broke out


Beijing 2022 a new chapter in Olympic, Paralympic history, says IOC member
The Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics will be recorded as a new chapter of Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games history, as they were h


German discovers new ways of showcasing Xi'an to the world
(ECNS) -- Marcus Meyer from Germany has "found more life possibilities in China after leaving Germany 15 years ago."Meyer started his travel


Over 12,000 Paleolithic stoneware items unearthed in NW China
Archaeologists have found more than 12,000 Paleolithic stoneware items in northwest China's Shaanxi Province, local authorities said Tuesday


China's BeiDou enters new phase of stable services, rapid development
China's BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) has entered a new phase of sustained stable services and rapid development, according to th


盘点:世界各地过新年的奇葩传统5 creepy New Year superstitions that'll keep you up past midnight


立完新年flag,如何高效达成目标?请收下这份攻略5 science-based strategies for nailing your New Year's resolutions
你的2022新年计划是什么? 每当又一个新年来临,人们总要设定提升自己的目标。他们发誓要减肥,学习一项新技能,或者读30本书,但最终能实现的目标却少得可怜。


国际大牌又来蹭中国新年热度了,不过有人格局打开了……Luxury Brands Create Tiger-Inspired Collections For Chinese New Year
农历虎年快到了,一年一度的国外大牌蹭热度环节也如期而至,各大奢侈品牌近期纷纷推出了自己的虎年限定。 下面,一起去看看国际大牌们新出炉的虎年设计,看看哪家是真的


美国运动员对冬奥村“智能床”赞不绝口!睡“纸板床”的同行酸了Beijing 2022 Olympics to highlight new tech
北京冬奥会日益临近,三个赛区的冬奥村已经正式开村。最近,一则运动员分享冬奥村生活的短视频受到外媒关注。 1月28日,美国雪橇运动员夏默·布里彻在与粉丝互动时,


米妮换新颜 红裙变裤装Minnie Mouse is trading her iconic red dress for a new look
新的一年,米妮也要换新装啦!为了纪念国际妇女节和巴黎迪士尼乐园开园30周年,迪士尼联合英国著名时装设计师推出了穿蓝色波点西服裤装的米妮形象。 Credit: D


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