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孩子们收到节日信息 - Children get festive message


President Xi sends congratulatory message to Lanting Forum on Chinese Modernization and the World -
President Xi Jinping on Friday sent a congratulatory message to the Lanting Forum on Chinese Modernization and the World held at the Meet-the-World Lounge in Shanghai.Xi pointed out that realizing modernization is a relentless pursuit of the Chinese peopl


Musk: U.S. had access to Twitter users' private messages - Musk: U.S. had access to Twitter use
Twitter owner Elon Musk claimed on Monday that the U.S. government "had full access to" everything on the social media platform, including private direct messages between users, according to a teaser clip released on Twitter.Scheduled to air on


High-profile Boao forum sends message of robust growth - High-profile Boao forum sends message of ro
In an ever-changing world full of uncertainties, people are in dire need of strong certainty to drive toward a better future.China's certainty is a mainstay that safeguards world peace and development, Chinese Premier Li Qiang said on Thursday at the


Xi sends message of sympathy to Brazilian president over illness - Xi sends message of sympathy to B
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday sent a message of sympathy to Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva over the latter's contraction of influenza and pneumonia.In his message, Xi said that upon learning of Lula's illness and thus hav


消息表明,与澳大利亚的关系正在解冻 - Messages point to thaw in ties with Australia


U、 伊朗外交部:美国向伊朗发出“急于”达成核协议的信息 - U.S. sends message to Iran, 'in hurry' to reach nuke agreem
据伊朗伊斯兰共和国官方通讯社报道,伊朗外交部长周六表示,伊朗已收到美国的消息,表示美国急于与伊朗达成核协议。亚美尼亚首都埃里温的侯赛因·阿米尔·阿卜杜拉希安(Hossein Amir Abdollahian)表示:“三天前,我们收到了美国的信息,告诉他们,(国际原子能机构(IAEA)对伊朗核计划的指控应该在达成任何协议之前得到解决”。被问及美国官员的Commo


中共二十大外国贺电亮点 - Highlights of foreign congratulatory messages on 20th CPC National Congress


彭丽媛向联合国教科文组织女子教育奖颁奖典礼致辞 - Peng Liyuan sends congratulatory message to UNESCO award ceremony for girl
2022年联合国教育、科学及文化组织(UNESCO)女孩和妇女教育奖颁奖典礼于周二在法国巴黎举行。 彭对仪式表示衷心祝贺,并向柬埔寨和坦桑尼亚获奖组织致以最良好的祝愿。彭先生说


Xi sends sympathy message to Japanese PM
President Xi Jinping sent a message of sympathy on Monday to Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida over his infection with COVID-19 and wish


BDS-3 short message communication services now applied to mobile phones
The short message communication services provided by China's BeiDou-3 Navigation Satellite System (BDS-3) have progressed from industrial ap


Xi sends congratulatory message to Vanuatu's new president
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday sent a congratulatory message to Nikenike Vurobaravu on his assuming office as the president of Vanua


Xi sends message of sympathy to Biden over COVID-19 infection
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday sent a message of sympathy to U.S. President Joe Biden over the latter's COVID-19 infection.In his me


Xi sends congratulatory message to Algerian president
President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message on Tuesday to Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune on the 60th anniversary of the vict


Xi sends congratulatory message to new UAE president
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday congratulated Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan on his assuming the presidency of the United Arab


Xi sends message to new UAE president
President Xi Jinping has congratulated Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan on his ascension to the presidency of the United Arab Emirates, sa


Xi sends congratulatory message to Philippine President-elect Marcos
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday sent a congratulatory message to Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos on his election as president of the Re


Chinese netizens leave warm messages for skier Gu Ailing
"Thank you for the positive energy you gave me!" "We all love you!" Chinese netizens flooded to China’s Twitter-like Sina Weibo platform to


德约科维奇不打疫苗参加澳网引发众怒:卫冕冠军有特权?‘Appalling message’: outrage over Novak Djokovic’s medical exemption to pl
著名网球运动员、澳网卫冕冠军诺瓦克·德约科维奇于1月4日宣布,将在不接种新冠疫苗的情况下参加澳大利亚网球公开赛,消息一出,引发澳大利亚公众不满。 [Photo/


Messages of hope for working class
For the grassroot masses, the policies-setting report delivered at the once-every-five-year national congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is probably too multifarious and too macro-sounding to study.The one passed by the just conc


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