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Dance with my father 和爸爸跳舞
Back when I was a child, before life removed all the innocence,My father would lift me high and dance with my mother and me and thenSpin me around ´til I fell asleep.Then up the stairs he would carry meAnd I knew for sure I was loved.If I


Picasso And Me 毕加索和我
Picasso And MeBy Art Buchwald from washingtonpost.comThis is the 50th anniversary of the day I crossed paths with Pablo Picasso. It came about in a strange way. I had written a column showing how absurd some of my mail had become.One letter


A Little Piece of Me 生命的过客
When he told me he was leaving I felt like a vase which has just smashed. There were pieces of me all over the tidy, tan tiles. He kept talking, telling me why he was leaving, explaining it was for the best, I could do better, it was his fa


Care your dream 呵护你的梦想


We've always been told it's true, but now experts have proved that money really can't buy you happiness. They quizzed jackpot winners and came up with 10 tips to keep you feeling on top of the world. And the results were surprising. No flas


Working Christmas Day
It was an unusually quiet day in the emergency room on December 25. Quiet, that is, except for the nurses who were standing around the nurses' station grumbling about having to work Christmas Day.I was triage nurse that day and had just bee


I've opened the curtain of my east window here above the computer, and I sit now in a holy theater before a sky-blue stage. A little cloud above the neighbor's trees resembles Jimmy Durante's nose for a while, then becomes amorphous as it s


STAYING CURIOUS Learning new skills leads to better neuroplasticity – the brain's ability to form new connections between existing neurons, explains Dr Brockis. "It used to be thought we only had a short period of relative plasticity in


Care your dream


Happiness will come again
有没有发觉,人生的很多事情,好像总是在互相模仿?爱情如此,生死别离如此。快乐如是,悲伤也如是。做人有时很无奈,因为相似的事情总在发生;做人有时很有趣,因为相似,所以要相信快乐会重来。Are you aware that everything in our life always seemingly


微笑是最简单的沟通,最朴实的语言。一个微笑,让火苗在两颗心灵之间迸发。它能化干戈为玉帛,消除敌对、愤怒和偏见。《微笑》一文出自法国作家安东尼·圣艾修伯里之手,他的代表作是《小王子》。I was sure that I was to be killed. I became terribly nerv


Five Balls Of Life
This was written by the CEO of Coca-Cola Brian G. Dyson.It was used as Georgia Tech's Commencement Address:Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them work, family, health, friends and spirit a


A Full-Time School Called Life
You are enrolled in a full-time school called "life". Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or hate them, but you have designed them as part of your curriculum.Why are you here? Wha


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