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Boarding schools facilitate learning in Tibet - Boarding schools facilitate learning in Tibet
Most herdsmen in the Tibet autonomous region live in sparsely populated areas, causing great difficulties for their children to commute between home and school on a daily basis.As stipulated by the Compulsory Education Law, the government started offering


Fed, bank turmoil keep markets on tenterhooks and learning curve - Fed, bank turmoil keep markets on
As the banking turmoil in the United States and Europe continues to unfold, financial markets appear to be more nervous than ever as the U.S. Federal Reserve is expected to announce a potentially pivotal interest rate decision on Wednesday.The Fed has a d


Learning Chinese becomes increasingly popular among Indonesian officials - Learning Chinese becomes
(ECNS) -- "I like Sun Wukong (or Monkey King) and Nezha (a Chinese mythological figure), especially the story of Bai Suzhen (the white snake maiden) in the Legend of the White Snake," said Akumad Ripai, who comes from the village of Semarang in


大流行证明是学习曲线 - Pandemic proves to be learning curve
过去三年,陕西省西安市流行病学家党双所(Dang Shuansuo)在处理新冠肺炎(COVID-19)患者方面经历了一个陡峭的学习曲线。在疫情爆发之初,当病毒的致命变种席卷全球时,只有少数几种常用于季节性流感的抗病毒药物和草药处方可用于Dang治疗COVID患者。他和他的同事当时不太确定要监测患者的哪些参数,以便他们能够介入治疗


教育部支持英语学习 - Education ministry backs English learning


新西兰启动汉语周,促进汉语学习 - Chinese language week starts in New Zealand to promote Chinese language learning
新西兰2022年汉语周开幕招待会于周一晚上在惠灵顿国会大厦大厅举行。本周,新西兰将举办一系列中国传统文化活动。新西兰总理哈辛达·阿尔德恩(Jacinda Ardern)在视频讲话中以中文问候语开始对此次活动表示祝贺。“自2014年以来,新西兰汉语周帮助促进和鼓励在新西兰学习汉语


Hong Kong sees boom in learning Mandarin
For half a year, 10-year-old Kee Sum-yuet and her 8-year-old twin brothers have been going to a Mandarin tutorial session every Saturday aft


Over 25 mln foreigners learning Chinese by end of 2021: education ministry
More than 25 million foreigners were learning Chinese by the end of 2021, according to the Ministry of Education.The Chinese language learni


Mongolian minister says China's experience in combating desertification worth learning
As China has made wide strides in combating desertification with its forest cover greatly increased over the past decades, Mongolia draws in


China launches learning app for middle, primary school students
China has launched a mobile app to provide middle and primary school students with more convenient ways to study online amid COVID-19 resurg


Scientists improve crop yield forecast by machine learning
Winter wheat yields in north China can be better predicted by a new hybrid forecast model powered by machine learning, according to a study


More Russians interested in learning Chinese
Some 11 percent working-age Russians say they are interested in learning Chinese, representing a rise from 5 percent a year ago, according t


Why Love
College years are considered to be the golden time for courting. But I wonder whether we college students know the true meaning of love. Many students don't, they believe that happiness is just a sense of loving and being loved. As a result


Learning: A Lifelong Career
As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food. Likewise, we should keep learning day by day to maintain our keen mental power and expand our intellectual
