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(W. E. Talk•In-depth Interview) Zhang Xiaojing: Responding to Schumpeter's question, how to dev
By Han YuJoseph Schumpeter, an Austrian-born economist, wrote in his History of Economic Analysis, “…in ancient China, the home of the oldest literary culture of which we know. We find infact a highly developed public administration that dealt currently w


麝香采访强调和平统一原则 - Musk interview underscores peaceful reunification principle
特斯拉首席执行官埃伦·马斯克(Elon Musk)提议将台湾设立为特别行政区后,外交部发言人周日表示,特斯拉首席行政官建议台湾可以成为中国期望的“特别行政区”,并很高兴看到越来越多的人理解和支持其“和平统一、一国两制”的原则。在最近出版的《金融时报》采访中,马斯克表示,他解决台湾问题的建议“是


Transcript of Ambassador Qin Gang's interview with the U.S. mainstream media
On August 16, Ambassador Qin Gang took a joint interview of the U.S. mainstream media in Washington DC, including Reuters, Associated Press,


Ambassador Liu Xiaoming gives an interview to the China-Britain Business Council
Can you tell us about some of your most enjoyable moments during your time as ambassador to the UK?I served as the Chinese ambassador to the


Chinese ambassador Qin Gang takes interview with Forbes
On April 29, Chinese Ambassador to the United States Qin Gang took an interview with Forbes journalist Russell Flannery, and answered questi


Transcript of Ambassador Qin Gang's Interview with 'Talk With World Leaders'
On March 20, Ambassador Qin Gang took an interview with XIAOTIAN of "Talk With World Leaders" and elaborated China's position on Ukraine and


求职面试后没回音?你可能做错了这些事(下)10 reasons you didn’t get a call back after a job interview (partⅡ)
求职面试被拒不可怕,可怕的是连被拒的原因都不知道。绝大多数HR并不会告诉你拒绝你的原因,本文列出的10条原因或许能对你有所启发。 [Photo/Pexels]


求职面试后没回音?你可能做错了这些事(上)10 reasons you didn’t get a call back after a job interview (partⅠ)
求职面试被拒不可怕,可怕是连被拒的原因都不知道。绝大多数HR并不会告诉你拒绝你的原因,本文列出的10条原因或许能对你有所启发。 [Photo/Pexels] Y


长得丑也是福?外媒称帅哥找工作更易碰壁Hot or Not? How It Affects Job Interviews
你可能会认为长相英俊帅气的男人在生活中有着天生的优势。但一项新的研究表明,美貌并不总是放之四海而皆准的标杆,至少在找工作时,美貌并不一定能帮得上忙。 长相英俊


Interview the God 与上帝对话
"Come in," God said to me, "so, you would like to interview Me?""If you have the time," I said.He smiled through His beard and said: "My time is called eternity and is enough to do everything; what questions do you have


商务口语[4]:面试 Job Interview (4)
Interview (4)Manager: Ive just looked over your resume and I must admit I am quite impressed.我已经看过你的简历了,我得


商务口语:面试 (1) Job Interview (1)
商务与公司 BUSINESS AND COMPANYPart1HR: Interview 人事: 面试1 面试 (1) Job Interview (1)Interviewer: Can you tell me a
