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Community health centers in Beijing begin to offer influenza testing services - Community health cen
Many community health centers in Beijing have started to provide influenza testing services for local residents amid the flu season, the Global Times learned from local health centers on Sunday."After the normal registration process, patients can do


西安发布流感疫情应急预案 - Xi'an issues emergency plan for influenza surge


北京甲型流感呈上升趋势,但未发现聚集性COVID感染:官方监测 - Influenza A on the rise in Beijing but no cluster COVID infections
北京疾病预防控制中心(Beijing Center for Disease Prevention and Control)周三表示,从2月13日至19日,北京的季节性流感病例比前一周增加了91%,但低于2022年和之前的新冠肺炎疫情,同时没有发现聚集性新冠肺炎感染,比上周的4%大幅飙升。尽管这比2022年同期下降了18%,比2019年下降了61%


中国顶级流行病学家称,来年冬天全球面临流感和新冠肺炎合并流行的风险 - World faces risk of combined epidemic of influenza and COVID-19


Sinovac initiates clinical trial for quadrivalent influenza vaccine in Chile
Sinovac Biotech Ltd, a biopharmaceutical product provider in China, announced on Tuesday that a phase-3 clinical trial for its inactivated q


Chinese scientists identify evolution of H5N1 avian influenza virus
A Chinese research team has systematically identified the origin, evolution, and propagation of the H5N1 virus, which has caused avian influ
