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国际货币基金组织规定为家庭提供财政支持 - IMF prescribes fiscal support for households


分析称,通货膨胀使美国家庭每月额外花费445美国 - Inflation costs American households 445 extra U.S. dollars a month, says
穆迪分析公司(Moody'S Analytics)最近的一项分析显示,一年多前,通胀飙升导致普通美国家庭支出445美国。该公司的高级经济学家瑞安·斯威特(Ryan Sweet)在9月份通货膨胀率达到8.2%后计算了这个数字。美国劳工部上周报告称,美国消费者价格指数(CPI)9月份上涨0.4%,比去年同期飙升8.2%,核心通胀飙升至40年来的最高水平。作为其计算的一部分


90% of Chinese households can reach nearest medical facility within 15 minutes: official
(ECNS) -- By the end of 2021, nearly 980,000 primary medical and health institutions of various types had been established across China, wit


Curriculum to include household skills
Starting from the upcoming fall semester, students in primary and middle schools will have at least one course every week to learn basic hou


China to introduce greater support for smaller businesses and self-employed households, stabilize an
China will provide greater relief to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and self-employed households, to promote employment s


必须亲身经历才能体会的道理 中
Make Your Health a Priority, Not an Option Once you get into your late 20s and early 30s your body is going to start losing metabolism and energy. You're going to start hurting and going to bed earlier. Start eating better and exercising.
