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Tracking technology helps boost camel herding in Xinjiang - Tracking technology helps boost camel he
With the help of modern technology, herders in Tumxuk, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region no longer need to worry about camel herding and penning, an activity that used to be a headache for them, Chinanews.com reported on Wednesday.Ca


作为中国大陆报告的首个XBB.1.5变异株,群体免疫可防止新的爆发:专家 - Herd immunity to prevent new outbreak as first XBB.1.5 varian


西藏牧民的困境与愿望 - A Tibetan herder's dilemma and wish
(ECNS)——周四,44岁的牧民Tsering Yangzom与80多头牦牛、10匹马和其他牲畜在中国南部云南省香格里拉市的高原牧场上度过了冬至,这位妇女和她的牲畜一起为寒冷的冬季做好准备。这是尼鲁村640多名藏族村民生活的缩影,大多数家庭都指定一名成员在家附近种植作物,而另一名则是


世卫组织:2021年不可能实现群体免疫COVID herd immunity will not happen in 2021, says WHO
日前,世界卫生组织首席科学家苏米娅·斯瓦米纳坦在新冠肺炎例行发布会上表示,尽管全球多国已经开始大规模疫苗接种,2021年仍无法实现任何程度的群体免疫。 Prof


Sheepherder Coffee
I used to like sheepherder coffee, a cup of grounds in my old enameled pot, then three cups of water and a fire, and when it's hot, boiling into froth, a half cup of cold water, to bring the grounds to the bottom. It was strong and bitter
